R.L. Young Lovers (angst and fluff) Pt. 1

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y/h = your house, e/c = eye color

warnings: mentions of death, brief mention of abuse, falling out among friends,

Y/n Potter felt all the color drain from their face for what seemed like the millionth time as they seemingly stared at the face of their dead older brother.

Y/n and James Potter were the best of friends and practically inseparable all throughout their childhood and teenage years.

James was there cheering them on when they were sorted into y/h. Y/n was there to comfort him when he failed his first assessment. They did everything together. Naturally, this made Y/n an integral part of the marauders. They became close with all of James's friends, coming to see them not just as their brother's friends but as their own too. They even began to hold romantic feelings for a certain scarred, sandy haired man.

As their years at Hogwarts went on, things changed drastically.

Their feelings for Remus had become even stronger with each passing moment. Y/n had became thick as thieves with Lily Evans who was beginning to like James more every year. Sirius ran away from his abusive home and was taken in as an honorary Potter child. The marauders were closer than ever, but so was a rapidly approaching war.

Y/n could still vividly remember the last year of the war and the worst year of her life.

Y/n had gone downstairs to eat their feelings away. They were sad because Remus had been sent on a long term mission to try and recruit other werewolves to the Order of the Phoenix before she could ever confess. However, the atmosphere that they stepped into was dreadful and intense. They could tell immediately that something horrible had happened but they never could've predicted what happened next.

Y/n remembered how their legs gave out and she fell to the floor when they heard the news. They remembered how they couldn't even cry at first. They just crumpled in on herself in shock and disbelief. It couldn't be true, it just couldn't be. Lily Evans, her best friend, and James Potter, their brother, the man Y/n had spent their entire life with, were  gone forever with nothing left to remember them by. Along with them, two of her other best friends were lost forever, Peter Pettigrew had been killed and Sirius Black was as good as dead to them. They sat still in shock on the floor for two minutes that felt more like two days.

The tears came when Dumbledore told them that their little one year old nephew, Harry Potter, was killed in the fight as well.

After that, the tears never stopped.

Y/n fell into the darkest period of their life and no one was there to help them out. Remus had yet to come back and Y/n had completely dropped off the grid.

Now it was two years later and Y/n stood knocking at the door of Lily's sister, Petunia. Part of them questioned why they came, but the other part knew.

Y/n had felt such insurmountable grief when they lost their brother and wanted to reach out to someone who conceivably felt the same at the loss of their sister. They didn't want to be alone anymore.

When the door swung open to reveal a young couple, all the things they planned to say left their brain.

"Are you Petunia Dursley?"

"Yes...Who are you?" The brunette woman who was confirmed to be Petunia asked.

"My name is Y/n Potter. I uh I knew Lily, she was my best friend, and I was James's younger sibling. I just wanted to reach out to-" Y/n started to explain before being cut off.

"They said you had died." Petunia interrupted utterly perplexed and partially tempted to close the door. "That's why they left him with us."

"I-I'm sorry. Who said I had died? And who is he?" Y/n questioned also confused now.

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