G.W. Long Gone (angst and fluff)

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y/n = your name, l/n = last name

warnings: implied abusive family, implied assault, attempted forced marriage, cussing

George Weasley had been friends with Y/n for as long as he could remember.

The two of them were bound at the hip just like him and Fred.

Y/n was a muggleborn, but from the few stories Y/n told about their family he could tell their family might've been crazier than the Malfoys.

It was Christmas break and much to George's delight, Y/n was staying at the burrow over break.

"You ready to go Y/n?" George and Fred asked at the same time.

Y/n turned around with a bright smile and happy eyes saying, "You know it!"

They started to walk towards their train compartment together with luggage in hand and their friend Lee in tow.

"Y/n, would you rather kiss professor McGonogall or professor Snape?" Fred asked with a teasing look as he sat down and propped his feet up on the cushioning.

"Gross!!" Y/n said as they sat down with a grimace on their face. "Professor McGonogall." They answered making all three of her friends laugh.

"Are you sure Mrs. Weasley won't mind me staying? I really don't want to be a burden or disrupt your holiday." Y/n continued with a hand rubbing the back of her neck bashfully.

"Mum's been wanting to get you over since she met you at the end of our first year." Fred said rolling his eyes.

"It's true. She always says the more people the better and I'm inclined to agree with that statement so long as they're as charming as you." George flirted while winking at Y/n.

Y/n felt their face heat up a little and their heart start beating faster, but they covered it up with a playful scoff at his words.

"Would you rather kiss Mr. or Mrs. Malfoy?" Fred asked continuing the game.

"Easy, Mrs. Malfoy." Y/n replied with no hesitation.
The boys laughed at this.

"Can't say I blame you there!" Lee replied while still laughing.

"At our home I was thinking you could stay in our room with me... and Fred!" George said while his sentence wavered, but his excitement didn't sway.

"That sounds great!" Y/n replied with a cheery smile that always made George go a little weak in the knees and his brain turn into mush.

"Would you rather kiss Krum or Wood?" Fred questioned once again.

"Uh Wood I guess," Y/n started making Fred snicker at the slight look of jealousy on his twin's face.

"Where would I sleep though?" They asked now directing their words towards George again.

"You could share a bed with me.... o-or Fred!" He replied quickly catching his slip up.

Fred smirked and Lee was just laughing at the two hopelessly infatuated friends.

"Oh..." Was all Y/n could manage to reply with.

"You don't have to of course! You can always share a room with Ginny and Hermione if you have a problem with sharing a bed with one of us!" George exclaimed nervously as his confident demeanor fell away more and more by the second.

"No, I don't mind! It's just-" Y/n started to talk.

"Would you rather kiss me or George?" Fred asked with a wickedly devious smirk.

George's head snapped to his brother's immediately and he was about to scold him when Y/n interrupted.

"George." Y/n answered absentmindedly before their eyes widened and a blush took over their features as embarrassment enveloped them.

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