L.J. Knockout (fluff)

48 3 13

y/n = your name, y/h = your house, l/n = last name, j/n = jersey number

warnings: alcohol, implied sexual attraction, harassment, cheating (in sports not in relationship), slight physical violence

Lee was announcing a quidditch game as he always did, loudly and with commentary that was not necessary.

Slytherin was playing against y/h which made their playing even more aggressive and dirty than usual considering how good the y/h quidditch team had gotten lately.

It was all because of their new chaser.

Y/n L/n.

Currently in the match Y/n was evading bludgers tossed their way and other chasers trying to trail behind them and throw them off course. They were going to score again and that was the end of the story.

That was the end of the story until the left side of their stomach met with a beater's bat.

"What the fuck?! Sorry professor! But what the fuck?! That's so obviously cheating come on! What the fuck is wrong with you Flint-" Y/n heard the announcer yell over the speakers.

Usually his announcing was one of their favorite parts of watching matches, but at the moment it just felt patronizing.

"Detention Flint." Professor McGonagall interrupted the boy.

Marcus Flint who was on the broom shrugged and this seemed to only encourage him because immediately after he hit Y/n in the side again. This time though it was very serious because Y/n fell of the side of their broom.

"It was an accident!" Flint yelled as he flew away with his hands raised in mock surrender to feign innocence.

"Oh my merlin how are they-!" Lee interrupted making him turn around only to see what Lee was commentating on.

Y/n was hanging on to their broom with one hand and the quaffle with the other. They signaled for the rest of their team to continue on with the game rather than coming to help them.

Their legs were dangling in the air and Y/n did not dare look down for fear of losing their grip at the sight. They looked down at the hand that had the quaffle in it.

"Dear god this is so unsanitary" Y/n grimaced at the thought of what they were about to do.

Y/n put the quaffle in their mouth so they could hold it in between their teeth and latch their other hand onto the broom. It was this or certain death, but Y/n wasn't completely sure which one would've been better.

The game buzzed around them as Malfoy and the y/h seeker caught a glimpse of the golden snitch.

The commentator was silent but a yell in the background about him needing to actually do his job spurred him back into action.

"The seekers are racing their way towards the snitch and player j/n is somehow still hanging on to their broom! How the bloody hell are they doing that?!" He exclaimed in wonder.

Y/n blushed at that and scolded themselves to focus before tuning out his words and beginning to swing their legs back and forth. Once they built up enough momentum they used a move in their repertoire solely because of childhood gymnastics. They thanked whatever god there was that their mom made them do gymnastics with their sister for a year.

They swung their legs over their broom so the tops of their knees were hooked on top of the wood. From this spot they used their hands to push their weight upwards and twist their body so they were sitting upright on their broom again.

"Did you guys see that?!?!" A gobsmacked voice yelled for the whole stadium to hear.

Draco Malfoy jerked his broom up awards in pursuit of the golden snitch.

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