R.L. Good Morning (angst and fluff)

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s/c = skin color, h/l = hair length, h/c = hair color, e/c = eye color, y/h = your house, g/s = gold or silver, f/c = favorite color, y/h = your home (town)

warnings: werewolf depression, self hatred, nightmares, self harm scars, migraines

Y/n L/n was in their fifth year at Hogwarts and their second year of getting multiple migraines a month.

It was bloody awful.

They didn't know if hell was real, but if it was and was even half as bad as one of their intense migraines they'd swear to devote their life to the church to avoid it.

That's what they were thinking about as they faintly stumbled to the hospital wing only half able to see straight and cursing their head.

Y/n finally made it there and walked in. They knew they were on the right place because they immediately heard a concerned Madam Pomfrey walk towards them.

They were in the hospital wing so much for headaches that the two had become friends.

"Oh, you poor thing." Madam Pomfrey consoled, bringing them to an empty cot.

Y/n stared up at the full moon through the window that illuminated the room.

They didn't know if they wanted to smile at the beauty of it or grimace at how bright it made the room.

Before Y/n could give it a second thought Madam Pomfrey had returned to their side with a pain relief potion, a sleeping potion, and an extra blanket.

Y/n leaned up to take the potions. They smiled kindly at Madam Pomfrey and the extra blanket. She knew that they always got cold easily.

"Thank you." They said sincerely before yawning.

"Of course, dear. Now, you get some rest and let me know if you need anything else." She smiled down as she watched them quickly drift to sleep.

Before they knew it they were fast asleep with no memory of what their headache had even felt like.

Madam Pomfrey smile faded and she walked away to return to her pacing as she waited anxiously for the Marauders to arrive with a freshly injured Remus Lupin.

After an eternity of waiting that in reality was just a couple hours, the familiar boys barged into the hospital wing carrying their limp friend with them.

Madam Pomfrey pointed to the nearest cot and they put him down quickly before she gestured for them to sit down too.

"Okay boys where did Remus scratch himself this time? And is anyone else injured?" She asked hoping like every time that the answer would be that no one had been hurt not even Remus.

"Remus got his left arm pretty good this time, Madam Pomfrey." James grimaced as his head hung lowly.

"None of us got hurt tonight though unless you count a scrape from a tree branch." Sirius joked lamely trying to lighten the mood.

Madam Pomfrey nodded in understanding and hurried off to grab bandage wraps, bandaids, and ointment.

She came back almost as soon as she left and attended to Sirius first. She cleaned out his little cut and put a small bandaid over it.

"You're good to go now." She smiled, but they didn't budge not wanting to leave their friend. "Come on now, you boys need to go get some sleep and so do my patients. You can come back and see him first thing in the morning."

The boys begrudgingly stood up at this and walked away, each of them looking at the fast asleep Remus over their shoulder with worry.

Madam Pomfrey sighed as they left. She didn't want to know what this must be like especially without such supportive friends.

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