F.W. What About Us? (angst and fluff)

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y/n = your name

warnings: talk of war, world war 2 briefly mentioned and not in detail, implied anxiety, mentions of death

Y/n Black was best friends with George and Fred Weasley. They got into a lot of trouble subsequently trouble they had caused.

Y/n took after their dads in loving mischief, naturally keening towards danger, and being smart beyond their own good.

They had met the twins when Y/n went by Y/n L/n and did not know the nature of their real parents at all and was just entering their first year.

It was their first year too when they had run into Y/n and practically folded because they had never seen someone so utterly adorable. Immediately after folding at this they both were shocked to see they had enough humor and dramatics to outdo both of them combined.

Unfortunately for their dads, who were sure to have a heart attack, Y/n also got the heart throb and secret sweetheart genes.

George, Lee, Fred, and Y/n had jumped over hurdles and became even closer every year: through 3rd year when Harry Potter came to Hogwarts and everything changed, 4th year when Y/n -who still thought they were muggleborn- was horrified at being targeted, 5th year when Y/n found out they weren't who they thought they were and that their real parents were their favorite professor and a wanted mass murderer, 6th year when the triwizard tournament hit and took Y/n's friend Cedric with them, and now 7th year when something possibly worse than You-Know-Who hit Hogwarts.

Y/n and the rest of their group had hated Umbridge from the moment they saw her.

Y/n called her an "ugly and evil Jackie Kennedy wannabe" when they had seen her pink tweed dress and brown hair trying desperately to be part of a 50s fashion catalogue.

The dictator like teacher had caused endless torment for everyone at the school no matter their moral character.

Now it was Christmas break and they were all sitting in Grimmauld place with a silent tension lingering in the air.

"Your plan won't work." Y/n said while picking at their food without eating anything.

Molly picked up her head, confused to what they were talking about.

Sirius however knew his child and knew himself.

"And how did you overhear our discussion with the Order?" He asked with a raised eyebrow though something in his eyes said he already knew.

"I heard you arguing with Snape about it in the hallway" Y/n said quietly and Molly had become furious at this point.

"Sirius, how could you be so careless?! This is not okay at-" Molly started to rage until Y/n, who was always bold, had the gall to cut her off.

"The sheer amount of death eaters that would oppose you outnumbers you completely and that's without taking the restricted spells they use into account." Y/n interrupted harshly.

The whole room went silent at this.

Sirius and Fred, who got along swimmingly when they first met, looked impressed but very concerned.

Fred kicked Y/n's shin under the table to grab their attention and make them meet his eyes. He silently told them to back down now.

Everyone knew to never cross Molly Weasley.
George, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione just looked shocked.

Harry looked like he wanted to join in despite not having overheard about the plan.
Remus looked proud.

Y/n took the silence as a chance to continue.

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