R.W. Bloody Hell (fluff)

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y/n = your name

warnings: harassment, angry ron, cussing, crying

Ron was staring at his crush Y/n so intensely that he didn't notice Harry awkwardly eating his dinner in silence or Hermione shuffling as far away from Cormac's gaze as they could.

"Ron, don't stare it's rude!" Hermione lectured.

Ron's eyes snapped back to Hermione's and he looked at her absently cause he hadn't heard a word of what she said.

"What?" He asked cluelessly.

Hermione just rolled her eyes and looked away when Ron looked back at Y/n.

She instead focused her attention on staying as far away from Cormac as possible while he kept trying to talk to them.

Y/n was in the popular crowd at Hogwarts which was surprising to them, but regardless they were also one of the nicest people in their year.

No one dared talk badly about them in fear of their older and very protective friends, Cedric and James, making them regret it. Cedric wasn't afraid to ruin someone's reputation for his friend and James wasn't afraid to get detention for roughing up someone for his friend. That being said Y/n was not a force to be reckoned with either.

That's what was surprising when Ron realized with humiliation that Y/n was walking towards him.

"Bloody hell Harry! Y/n's walking over here! I think they noticed me looking at them!!" Ron exclaimed with worry.

"Who didn't notice?" Harry muttered with annoyance.

"Harry!" Ron huffed angrily.

"Sorry" He shrugged unapologetically. "Just don't freak out Ron"

Ron rolled his eyes so dramatically it wouldn't be a surprise if his eyes got stuck.

Y/n had left the Hufflepuff table, where James and Cedric sat, and walked straight towards the Golden Trio as they were called.

Ron was about to open his mouth to say something to them, but Y/n said something first and it wasn't directed towards him.

"Cormac why can't you leave anyone alone?" Y/n asked glaring at the boy.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"I'm only trying to make a new friend!" He smiled innocently.

"She's not interested." Y/n stated with finality in their tone.

Cormac still didn't leave.

"Do you want to have sex with him or date him?" Y/n asked turning to Hermione.

Ron and Harry just watched on with silent eyes.

They were both surprised and impressed.

"No." Hermione replied to their question making the stupid smile on Cormac's face drop into a frown.

"Perfect! Now go away Cormac." Y/n shooed him away, but he didn't budge.

"Go kiss your pillow or bother someone else or whatever it is you do with your free time." Y/n ordered while pointing towards the doors to the great hall.

He looked around and immediately realized Cedric and James were watching him carefully to make sure Y/n was alright.

He gulped in fear and walked towards the doors. With one last look back at Y/n, whose face was as stern as before, he exited the hall.

Y/n turned back to Hermione and their gaze immediately softened immensely.

"Are you alright Hermione? Cormac is such a douche." They asked with a concerned tone that turned angry at the mention of the boy.

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