S.B. That Explains It (fluff)

80 3 21

y/n = your name

warnings: existing sexual attraction, violence, anger, harassment, implied obsession

"No." Remus denied from his staircase.

"Why not?" Sirius asked pouting with James and Peter by his side.

Remus didn't bother to answer.

"I just want to go swimming with you guys" He explained with mock innocence.

Remus had planned for the group to go out swimming with him when they visited his house during the summer, but it seems something had changed his plans.

"I already said no, so stop asking" Remus rolled his eyes.

Just before Sirius could protest more Remus's younger sibling walked into the room.

"You guys ready to go swimming?" Y/n asked excitedly with a bright smile on their face.
James snickered under his breath.

"That explains it" Peter responded to Y/n's presence.

"Explains what?" Y/n asked confused.

"Nothing." Remus replied for him while glaring at the other boys to make sure they kept quiet.

Sirius meanwhile was not paying attention at all and didn't even hear Y/n ask if he was alright.

Maybe Remus was right and I am just a stupid horny teenage boy because holy shit.... doesn't help that I'm already in love with them and every part of them jesus christ especially their-

"Sirius!" Y/n snapped in front of his eyes and he now realized while he zoned out they had moved closer to them.

"Yes darling?" He smirked quickly putting on his overly confident facade.

Y/n's eyebrows just furrowed showing they were confused.

"Are you okay? You were just blankly staring at me for like a good minute" Y/n stated astonished.

He blushed a little at this and James noticed making him smirk now and Sirius discreetly elbow James in the ribcage.

"I just got bored I guess, maybe you could keep me busy?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows jokingly and purposefully ignoring Remus's heavy glare.

"Ha ha" Y/n monotonously and sarcastically while rolling their eyes and walking ahead of the group to their car.

They weren't one to fall at the feet of a playboy, but that just made him like them all the more. They meant more to him than anyone else had they just hadn't realized it yet.

"Watch yourself, I mean that." Remus threatened.

"He's always watching himself" James laughed as he pointed to Sirius who was fixing his hair in the mirror.

"God you know what I mean James" He rolled his eyes.

James and Sirius just laughed.

"I'm serious! oh god no no no-" Remus started.

"Actually, I'm Sirius" He smirked and Remus just groaned in annoyance and frustration.

"Sirius keep your paws off my sibling or else you'll fucking regret it" He snarled. "Now let's go"

"Wait I can come with?" Sirius asked excitedly.

"Hurry up before I change my mind and leave you here" Remus grimaced.

They all went to the car where Y/n was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Shotgun!" James called as he ran towards the vehicle.

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