F.W. Who're They? (fluff) Pt. 1

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y/n = your name

warnings: sexual attraction, sexism, violence, near death, cussing, slight harassment

Fred Weasley was spending his day how he spent most others: leaning against the wall cooly waiting for a cute person to come by.

It just so happened that Y/n had the misfortune of walking down the very hallway he was in that day.
The second he saw Y/n he liked them. At the time though it was no more than a sexual attraction.
He stared at them in their slightly short uniform skirt that showed off their legs. His eyes trailed up to their uniform top and yellow hufflepuff tie. He didn't try to hide his staring at all when they walked past him not even making eye contact.

The fact that they didn't heed him any notice just made him like them more.

"Who're they?" He asked curiously though his eyes never left their figure.

George who was working on their next prank looked over to where he had been staring.

"Y/n Diggory" He replied making Fred groan out annoyed at the surname.

"Shame, they were attractive for a Hufflepuff." Fred hummed still staring at them.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Their voice called from down the hallway.

"Are you listening in to our conversation? I didn't take you for a troublemaker" He smirked still flirting with them.

"I'm like twelve feet away from you and you're literally shouting how the hell would I not hear you?" They replied annoyed as hell. "Now what did you mean by attractive for a Hufflepuff" Y/n pressed further.

He shrugged.

"Do me a favor and take your house stereotyping and fuck off" Y/n glared.

"Wow you've got quite the dirty mouth Diggory, I wonder what else that mouth could do?" He fake pondered the question.

Y/n didn't even respond and just slapped him hard enough to leave a mark.

"That's for me and my brother" Y/n said with a quirk to their head and eyebrow before storming down the hallway.

"I apologize on behalf of my brother!" George yelled down the hallway, but Y/n just waved him off.

George turned to his twin whose cheek was still red.

"I think I'm in love" Fred told George as he continued to stare after them.

George just smacked him on the head to give him as he called it, the idiot penalty.
Y/n would rather keel over than admit his initial staring had made butterflies swarm in their stomach. They couldn't help it, he was very cute and tall.

That all stopped the second he insulted the Diggorys and Hufflepuffs.

Now all they felt towards him was annoyance and mild interest.

Y/n couldn't help but wonder about the two boys after their encounter and it only increased after their display in front of the goblet of fire.

The two were currently on the ground wrestling each other with long white beards and gray hair.
Y/n cleared their throat aggressively to grab their attention.

They presumed the one smirking at them was Fred and that the other who's nose had a slight bump in it was George.

Y/n stepped over the boys knowing and made their way to the goblet with their twin brother trailing behind them.

Y/n and Cedric both put their names in and high fived before starting to walk out. Before walking away though Y/n winked suggestively at Fred while smirking.

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