B.W. Gold Rush (fluff)

67 2 14

s/c = skin color

Y/n L/n was a mysterious person to Bill for a number of reasons.

They were beyond sweet, practically had a halo radiating above their head. They were humble, never let their popularity inflate their ego. They were smart, selected for head person the coming year and prefect the year before. The thing that made them a mystery was the fact that they always seemed a little distant, half present, no matter how many people surrounded them.

Bill Weasley had a crush on them for as long as he could remember. If he followed their story back far enough he could trace it back to the time Y/n covered for him in front of one of the classist pure bloods in their year.

He remembered being called up to duel against that rude girl. He remembered how right before they started she insulted his family and implied they were inferior, not even human beings and how caught off guard he was. He remembered the spell she had cast towards him not hitting him even though he hadn't blocked it. Most of all though he remembered looking over to see Y/n's reassuring smile and nod and how it invigorated him even more to win.

No one had ever stood up for him like that before because he never liked giving others the chance to stand up for him. He was more than capable of taking care of himself and he didn't want others to pity him, but he could tell Y/n for some reason or another did it just as much for him as they did for themselves. He knew that was true when later in that same class he saw Y/n rolled their eyes at her snobby answer to the teachers question.

He laughed every time the memory came up.

They looked so annoyed he thought they might've just blown a fuse.

That long train of thoughts leads him back to where he actually was: standing with his friend Jake watching secretly panicked as Y/n approached them.

It was summer and he was meeting up with his friend Jake to celebrate the head boy status he had just been alerted he got.

So why was Y/n walking up to them?

His heart ached in anxious anticipation. This was not going to end well.

"Hi Jake!" Y/n greeted him with a hug.

"Bill." They smiled enveloping him into a hug as well.

Bill could tell his face was as red as his hair from the sudden touch. He awkwardly hugged her back both relieved and dreadfully upset when she pulled back rather quickly.

He tried to ignore how hot his face felt and reminded himself to act like a normal person but it was hard.

If Y/n did notice his flustered state they didn't comment on it. Perhaps they were just used to people being like that around them. That must be what it was, right? Half of Hogwarts fancied her so he assumed that was the case.

For someone so smart he sure was dense sometimes.

"Is there any reason you called me here?" Y/n asked confused as they hadn't been let in on the plan.

"I was going to take Bill out to lunch to celebrate him being decided as head boy when I heard from you that you were also selected as head girl/boy/person, so I thought we could all celebrate together!" He explained with a smile.

Bill's eyes turned back to Y/n.

He wasn't sure why he was so surprised, Y/n was remarkably smart. He had already been hoping Y/n would be the other head student but he had chalked it up to wishful thinking.

It had been a couple of months into their seventh year, and Bill and y/n were closer than ever. They had become dear friends with the amount of time they spent together.

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