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Song - Just Give Me One More Day

Note: Okay, I'm actually so tired. I'm not editing this shit... good luck reading

You stepped off the front steps of the school and out into the rain, the cold, heavy rain. It hammered down onto your head and shoulders, drenching your hair and soaking your clothes, but you didn't mind, not really. It was just rain, after all, just water. You walked slowly, deliberately, feeling the cold seep into your bones, each step a splash in a puddle, each breath a cloud of mist in the damp air. 

Izuku walked beside you, without an umbrella, without a coat, just the two of you, alone in the storm. His footsteps matched yours, his presence the only warmth in the chill. You felt the rain running down your face, trickling into your eyes, slipping into your mouth. The taste of salt, like tears. You swallowed, felt the drops on your lips, and you said "Thanks," but it came out soft, too soft, drowned by the roar of the rain. "I don't think I say it enough, and I definitely don't show it, but you really mean a lot to me," you said, but the rain was too loud, and the words vanished in the storm. 

You continued to walk, shoes squelching, and hair plastered to your forehead. The rain kept falling, relentless. You were glad he couldn't hear you, glad your words could be lost in the noise, glad you could keep walking, side by side, without needing to explain anything.

"Here," you heard him say, a voice cutting through the rain's constant murmur. It was soft, but carried a weight that stopped you in your tracks, made your head turn, and there he was, Izuku, his smile as bright as ever, even with the storm drenching him, chilling him to the bone. 

He dropped his bag, just like that, and you thought maybe he was reaching for something inside. But no, he let it lie there, a splash as it hit the ground, and then he shrugged off his jacket, his soaked, heavy jacket, like it nothing, just fabric and water. 

"Huh?" You said, almost under your breath, because what was it? The rain, pounding on the street, on the buildings, on the world, and there he was, pulling off his jacket, left with just his button up shirt, sticking to him. You could see his shoulders, his chest, the curve of his body outlines by the wet cloth. 

He smiled that smile that could light up the whole world, and he stepped forward, his arms holding the jacket out to you, then around you, enveloping you in it's cold, wet embrace. The rain didn't matter, not with him this close. "It's pretty wet, not too warm," he said, voice gentle, "but you look like you could use it." He kept smiling, like it was the simplest thing in the world, like the storm was nothing, just a bit of weather. 

You didn't know what to say. The shock on your face must've been plain, even through the rain, because it wasn't just the gesture—it was everything. The kindness, the warmth that cut through the cold, and again the realization that he cared, really cared. Maybe it was good that it was raining, good that the drops mixed with the tears you couldn't seem to stop. You didn't want him to see them, not now, not like this. So, you did the only thing you could do. You smiled. 

You couldn't image how much it meant to him. The way your smile seemed to spread a warmth, like sunlight breaking through the clouds, catching the corners of his eyes. The way you lit up, even if just for a moment, gave him something to hold on to, something precious. He knew your life had its shadows, a curtain of dark clouds you often carried with you, and it was everything to him to know he could bring you this sliver of brightness.

He saw it, the weight slipping from your shoulders, the furrows on your brow easing, the tightness in your lips softening. And he hoped, in the quiet way of his, that you knew how much he cared, that you could feel it in the silence between you, in the small gestures, the gentle touches. Even if he hadn't put words to it, hadn't yet realized it himself. 

"Thanks," you said, your voice level, careful, and almost distant, as if holding back a tidal of emotions. The choke in your throat, the feeling of something heavy you tried to swallow down. Izuku walked beside you, his steps light, almost tentative, not saying anything, just keeping pace. You walked in this quiet companionship, the rain on the pavement, the soft rustling of leaves overhead, until you reached your house. 

There was a slight pause, a moment suspended in the humid air, the gray wetness of the day folding itself over you both like a damp shroud. Neither of you knew quite how to end it, how to punctuate the unwieldy sentence of goodbye. 

Your fingers trembled, uncertain, hesitant, as you reached up to peel off the jacket he'd lent you, it's fabric saturated and dripping. You moved slowly, each motion weighted with an awkward gravity, the kind that comes when you don't want something to end but you know it must. The rain beat relentlessly, but neither of you seemed to care; like a background noise to the silence that held you both captive. 

Then you handed the jacket back, your lips curled into a soft smile, a fleeting gesture that seemed almost accidental. And in that moment, a single ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds, casting a warm, golden hue on your skin. It was a light that he alone seemed to notice, a fragile burst of color in a landscape drenched in monotony. Izuku felt his breath catch in his throat, a gasp he couldn't quite release, as if the air had turned solid in his lungs.

You stood there, in the midst of the downpour, glowing with a light that seemed otherworldly, a sunlit aura that transformed the rain into a cascade of shimmering jewels. He wasn't sure how he'd never seen it before, the way you stood there, your eyes catching the sunlight, your hair glistening with raindrops. It was like the night with the fireworks, when the world had been filled with color and sound, and you, you were the brightest of them all.

He knew, then, that the clouds would lift, that the rain would fade, that your smile was the spark that could break through any storm. The words he needed, the ones that would make sense of everything, were just beyond his reach. But as the light danced across your skin and the rain quieted for the sound of his voice, he knew one thing for certain: you were the gold at the end of a long journey, the moment when everything finally made sense.

There was a moment, a pause so brief it was almost imperceptible, as Izuku Midoriya grappled with the weight of his own words. The rain, relentless and unyielding, continued its steady descent, a curtain of water that draped the world in shades of gold. He stood there, his heart pounding in his chest, the words trapped in the cage of his ribcage, threatening to burst forth.

In that suspended moment, he saw you, truly saw you, illuminated by a sliver of sunlight that pierced through the clouds. It was a sight that stole the breath from his lungs, a vision so captivating it left him reeling. He knew, then, exactly how he saw you, exactly how it made him feel, though he knew he shouldn't.

But something in him, something primal and unspoken, compelled him to speak, to let you know what he thought. The rain seemed to hush, to hold its breath, as if waiting for his next move. And he knew, with a certainty that settled deep in his bones, that if he didn't tell you now, in this moment, maybe no one ever would. And that thought, that possibility, it broke his heart.

And so, with a voice barely above a whisper, he spoke. 

"You're beautiful."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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