More pain, no gain

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His fingers interlaced with yours, pulling you into his chest, a hand wrapping around your waist, the other pulling water aside as he made his way to the surface.

"Look for the light."

Those words echoed in your head as your weak hands clutched onto him before once more fading into a dark abyss. 


"Oh my god, It looks bad," Midoriya panicked, looking above your eyes and into your head. Your eyes barely parted, feeling his hand hold your face, and body in his arms. "Come on, say something," he gasped, and you had to assume he'd been holding his breathe in a panic.

The water cleared from your eyes and your vision became clear, finally seeing his desperate face. Your lips slightly parted, and eyes suddenly shot open wide as your body brought itself up and into its knees, coughing up what you thought had be a liter of water. 

You hadn't noticed, but you were still in shallow water. The water reached halfway up your thigh, completely getting you up to your elbows. "Shit," you whispered in a horse, airy sigh, watching as small droplets of blood tricked into the water, wet hair hanging down.

Midoriya rested a hand on your back, while Tsu and Mineta looked at you worriedly. "Are you alright?" Midoriya asked and you sat up straight on your knees, a sigh leaving your lips, followed by a few small coughs. 

"Yeah, I think so. Just a bit cold."

"Can't you use your quirk to warm up and kind of dry yourself off like in training?"

"No, not like this. The only reason it worked back then was because the room was insulated and kept the heat in. It'll just disburse here, so I need to release a giant wave of heat, but I can't do that with so many things around," you stated, looking at the water and shrubs that would boil and burn. "What's going on-" you started, but were suddenly cut off, looking that the scene in front of you. 

Aizawa was still hard at work, taking on the villains. The three had gone over to check everything out, and you'd woken up when they'd just gotten there. 

There was the hand man. He ran towards your teacher muttering something indistinguishable. But this felt different. As normal, your teacher went in for an attack, elbowing him in the side and pushing him back.

Yet the man, despite his thin stature, stood strong, resting a hand on his elbow. "It was hard to see when you were jumping around," he started, just barely audible to your ears. "but I found your tell, it's your hair. When it drops it means you've stopped using your quirk, you're having to blink more often."

What you thought at the time to be a grey coating crawled across Aizawas skin, but when it began to flake off, showing the bare muscle underneath, you got a real idea of what kind of power the man was wielding. "Don't push yourself too hard now, you might just fall apart, wouldn't that be a shame?"

Even with a destroyed elbow, your teacher stood strong, fighting off as many villains as he still could. "Don't you think you're a little bit out of your element here Erasurehead? Look at you! You're still standing, oh, and by the way hero, I am not the final boss."

Seemingly out of nowhere, the giant bird looking thing with the exposed brain appeared beside your teacher, towering above him at an immeasurable height. 

It less than a second, it grabbed your teachers head, crushing it with a burst of blood, and slamming his head against the hard dirt. Head still dizzy, you could only mutter a whimper as the gruesome sight unfolded. 

Again, and again, and again, he smashed his head into the ground. You couldn't tell if he was still hanging on, or if you'd just witnessed a cold-blooded murder unfold right before your very eyes. 

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