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After quirk testing, Midoriya was thankfully allowed to stay in class. Still, you hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him all day. Finally, it came time to pack up your school stuff and go home. Other than the shocker of Midoriyas newfound quirk, it was a peaceful day. 

Putting in your earbuds, there were just four people including you left in the class. You, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo. 

You swung your bag over your shoulder, unaware of the boy next to you. You took your first step and he burst out of his seat, pulling you by your left shoulder so that you were pinned against a desk, facing him. Todoroki watched from the other side of the room, Midoriya swung his head to notice, gritting his teeth as tension built. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" he seethed, his body practically up against yours in some attempt at intimidation. You gave him a nasty look, eyes sharp and unrelenting, refusing to bend underneath the weight of his attempted intimidation.

The air crackled with tension; each icy glare exchanged like a skirmish in a silent battlefield. "What the fuck are you talking about?" you said, putting a hand on his chest in an attempt to push him away.

The sudden vice-like grip on your wrist sent an electric shock through your entire body, a tangible manifestation of dominance and aggression. His fingers dug unto your skin like steel, the world seems to pause for a breath, and the air tightens with a palpable tension. The forceful act, an attempt at control, radiated a silent threat, and in that moment, the power dynamics shifted dramatically.

"You don't get to come in here and like you're the shit and try to outshine me. I was supposed to be the only one from that shitty school to excel here, you don't get to take that from me," he stared, eyes narrowed, the intensity of his stare felt like a searing flame, fueled by a storm of emotions. The anger, palpable and unapologetic, transformed his expression into a formidable force, leaving you acutely aware of the rising tempest within his gaze.

You scoffed, a sharp hot anger radiating from your narrowed eyes. A sly, disdainful smirk curled on your lips, the embodiment of confident malice, creating a feeling of defiance and derision, leaving an indelible mark on the atmosphere that lingers long after the glance is gone. 

Heating your skin at the point he grabbed, Bakugo quickly let go out of pure human instinct. "Don't kid yourself. I don't get what you're so mad about. If you're really so much better, then why are you having such a hard time proving it," you said, the small smile still lingering. It was a bad habit you'd picked up, smiling under pressure. It'd gotten you in trouble many times before, but in a situation like this, it only seemed to work to your advantage. 

"Don't act like you're all that you fucking heir head," he started, causing a vein to pop out from your forehead. You didn't have problem before, but he started to get personal, which got on your nerves. 

"Don't go acting like you know everything about me just because we went to middle school together for a few months."

"Oh my apologies your highness. I didn't realize the blue-blooded bitch had a temper. How about you slip that silver spoon out of your mouth and come talk to me like a big girl."

You knew he was just trying to get you in trouble after making himself look like an idiot, and you didn't feel like falling for it. "Don't push your luck asshole. I'm not in the mood today."

You wanted to melt off that smug face, and he knew that's what you wanted. It wasn't like Bakugo to poke fun like that, to slip in something like that rather than outright fight you on something. 

"Hey! Don't walk away from me like that!" he yelled as you turned your back. 

"Or what? Are you going to kill me?" you scoffed, raising an eyebrow and looking at him as if he were human waste. Bakugo walked closer to you, a fiery glint in his eyes before walking past you, shoving your shoulder to the side and walking past you. 

"Go fuck yourself and die!" he yelled in his usual aggressive tone, walking out the door. He always had to have the last word. 

You scoffed, securing your bag and storming out the door yourself. Midoriya watched in silence as he has planned to ask you how your day went. 

"Huh? What was that?"  A curious voice asked, peaking in. Uraraka looked at him with a sweet smile. 

"Uh- OH!" Midoriya said with a blush, looking at him and walking in to grab a notebook she'd forgotten. 

"(y/n) and Kacchan just got into an argument, it was nothing really," he said with a smile, looking at the girl who clutched the notebook to her chest. 

"Oh no! I didn't take her for the confrontational type! Well, since you're here, why don't we head to the station together!?" she said cheerfully. Midoriya, giving Todoroki a side glance, agreed, walking out the door quickly. 

A/N: The main purpose in this chapter is to establish a topic for the next chapter, and I love writing little confrontations like that

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