Unexpected Encounter

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"Shit," you muttered to yourself, leaning over the shopping cart and looking at the list in front of you. It was going to be a long trip, but thankfully for you, a Wednesday afternoon wasn't too busy. 

It was the afternoon after the first day at school. Though a bit rough, considering the useless conflict Bakugo started with you, life still went on. You had your chores to do, as well as everyone else in the world. 

"Where is it?" you continued, looking around the isles. In fact, you couldn't seem to find anything. The store you usually went to flooded due to a plumbing issue, and now you had to navigate a new place. 

Sighing, you finally found the bread isle, a twinge of annoyance as you realized they didn't have your usual brand. Then, a shiver ran down your spine as you got the very subtle feeling someone was watching you. 

Whipping your head around, you saw Izuku Midoriya watching you struggle to find what you want, a look of shock spreading across his face as you noticed his gaze. "Oh! Sorry, it just looked like you were having trouble!" He said, putting his hands up, noticing the scowl across your face you'd forgotten to drop. 

"Oh, sorry," you started, flashing a small smile before returning to your normal neutral face. "I don't normally shop here, so I'm all turned around," you said, looking back to the loafs of bread, hoping the one you were looking for would just fall into your cart. 

Midoriya's face lit up, giving you his usual kind expression. "Oh, well, what are you looking for? I can help you," he said, ending a twinge pain to your heart, and a tingle to your entire body. You'd read about that feeling somewhere, something called a 'Coronary artery spasm'.

"That'd be great, thanks," you muttered. You weren't accustomed to hanging out with people outside of the designated school hours. He seemed to be excited to help, that you couldn't turn him down either. 

"Alright, what are you looking for?" He asked, getting close and looking curiously at your list. The tingling feeling came back, and you fearfully clutched onto the cart, feeling the tingling in only your left arm, a common symptom of a heart attack. But given you were young and healthy; you warily pushed the feeling to the side. 

"Oh, that's right here," Midoriya said, grabbing a loaf of bread from the shelf BEHIND YOU. You cursed yourself for being so unobservant. "And I'm heading to produce, so we can walk together. It looks like we have pretty similar lists," he said with a smile. Walking beside him, you casually leaned on the cart, watching him as he proceeded forward. 

"It's kind of weird," Midoriya said in a way that almost made you think he had some sort of revelation. "That we've never seen each other outside of school before. I mean, we went to Middle school for almost an entire year, and we've known each other for a while now," he commented. 

"I guess you're right. I don't normally hang out with people, so I guess it just never occurred to me," you said, he nodded in a agreement as a bit of an awkward silence filled the space. All the two of you had ever really talked about was your quirk, your fathers quirk, or class. So Midoriya decided to bring up the most recent topic of his interest. 

"So," he started, stopping in front of the large array of apples, picking out the granny smith. You could only assume it was for cooking since that's all they were good for.

You grabbed a small bag, loading up on the Fuji, the sweetest ones. You actually chose to enjoy the food you were eating. 

"Just curious, what was that argument about? With you and Kacchan I mean?"

You sighed, tying the bag and putting it into your cart. "I'm going to be real honest, I have no idea. I just don't think he likes me, especially now that we're competing. I assume he just wanted to get me in trouble?"

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