The Day I Met You

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You let out an airy sigh, saying your silent goodbye to the equally silent house. It was a crisp Saturday morning in mid fall. You sat at the edge of the front entry way, tying your running shoes and zipping up your wind breaker, making sure your pants would be warm enough to keep your muscles from stiffening too fast. 

Stretching a bit, you walked out to your mailbox. A 10 km run, that's it. You could get through it if you wanted to. You looked up to the rising sun with the same stoic face you always adorned. 

Plugging in your earbuds, you started off the run good with your favorite song, setting a moderate pace. Setting your eyes on the way ahead of you, you watched the street, completely devoid of people fill with small birds. They parted in a wave as you ran past, creating a flurry of black, blue and read wings. 

The world seems to belong solely to you, the solitude a precious gift as you navigated through silent streets and quiet roads.

As you approach a hill, the first rays of the sun stretch across the horizon, casting long shadows that dance along your path. The warmth of the emerging sunlight embraced your skin, adding a golden touch to the cool morning air. The world gradually awakened in hues of orange and pink, a canvas painted by nature's hand.

Heading down it on a nice cool down pace, you managed to catch your breath without breaking your stride and entered the small town park which led to the ocean on the other side. 

You wouldn't say you were an easily distractable person, but one thing that could draw you from your focus was an ad. You heard a cheery voice blast into your ear, claiming she was sorry for interrupting your listening time, but still fucking doing it anyways. 

You felt a wave of heat rush throughout your body out of complete rage, scorching the leaves you stepped on as you fumbled your phone as quickly as possible, trying to turn it off. Obviously, you'd begun to devoid your gaze from your path, but falling off the walkway was the least of your worries. 

"Damn it! Turn off!" you groaned as the voice continued to speak. A heat advisory notification turned on, on your phone and trying to calm your temper and temperature, your stress only raised as she started her long winded sales pitch.

In that moment, you cursed her and her entire family, her business, her ideas, her future, you cursed it all. Maybe that's what caused your bad luck to suddenly arise. 

"NGH!" you seethed, feeling your head slam against what you assumed to be metal as it hit your forehead, and dead weight falling on top of you and a surprised, pained groan arise from the other person. 

Opening your eyes, the world slightly spinning, you propped yourself up on your elbows, getting a good view of your surroundings. 

The first thing you noticed was the giant metal safe right by your head, obviously explaining the small gash on your forehead. But the other object nearly blew you out of the water, you couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment, rage, or both. 

Izuku Midoriya was right on top of you, eyes closed thankfully, face right in your stomach. Placing a hand on either side of you he opened his eyes, looking directly into yours. 

It took you both a moment to clearly process the situation. 

He, looking at the girl he tried so hard to find an opening to question, was right under him, wearing, by now, sweaty running clothes, messily tied back hair, and a look of complete and utter shock. Then, his eyes shifted to the safe he had dropped, and peaking underneath the corner of it, your phone, completely shattered. It wasn't until moments later that he finally realized the awkward, not only social, but physical position he was in. 

Forever - Izuku Midoriya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now