A Bad Dream

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Note: So, some graphic depictions and descriptions of violence, just be warned. Also, just to be clear, this is a flashback in a dream type situation. 

"Dad, where are we going?" was all you could think to ask, it's all you could ask. Back then, you couldn't see what was coming.

At seven years old, you got up before light broke the sky, and headed to the mountain. This was before your life turned around, because you'd never really trained before. Before you saw your father as a monster, before your life turned to shit. Maybe this was the pivitol moment, the catalyst for the hell you'd endure, when your father died, leaving behind the man you'd come to know. 

Your first memory was running up it. Still half asleep, you weren't sure why, but you gave it your all. Because you wanted to be strong, to show the world who you were. Your classmates bullied you for being your fathers daughter, but you wanted to show them you were your own person, and no matter how hard they tried to push you down, you'd never fall. 

So you followed your dad up the mountain, giving it your all with a hopeful glint in your eye, and a prospect for the future. If only you'd taken your time, turned back and refused, would things have turned out differently?

Upon reaching the top, you saw it. Him. Why was he there? Your grandfather, standing with a presence so strong you cowered behind your father.

His frame, weathered by years of toil and hardship, commanded the space with a silent authority and brooked no defiance. The lines etched into his face bore witness to a lifetime of battles fought and victories won, and while his steely gaze, sharp as the blade of a sword, pierced through the morning light with an intensity that made you shiver. 

Despite the weight of age on his shoulders, there was an undeniable strength in his very presence, a raw power that radiated from his sinewy muscles like a dormant beast stirring from slumber. As he stood before you, his presence loomed large, casting a shadow that stretched across you, and enveloped you in a darkness.

There was a palpable tension in the air, as if the very atmosphere quivered in anticipation of his next move. In that moment, he was a force to be reckoned with, a towering colossus whose presence commanded respect and instilled fear in equal measure, even so far from his prime. 

"Be strong (y/n), I haven't raised you to be weak," your father hissed, grabbing your shirt and dragging you front and center. That must have been the first time you'd heard him say that; weak, were you really? How demoralizing, to be called the one thing you worked so hard not to be, by the man you looked up to most in the world.

Your grandfather glared down at you. "Kazunori, what is this? I thought you said she could do it?"

"She can, I don't know what's wrong today."

Your father hadn't told you, but that mountain cabin would be your home for a while. That that's where you'd leave your heart behind. Because back then you hadn't realized it was tradition, that your father, and the fathers before him had done the same. To sacrifice themselves for power, and to learn true discipline through the death of your humanity. 

That was the day you'd truly felt true fear for the first time. 

It started out with the run, then training. It took hours. You hadn't faced something like this yet. Your father observed as you struggled, hit down again and again mercilessly by your grandfather, and how he didn't hold back, not once.

You were scared, scared of him, scared of the training. It hurt, it hurt so bad. You found yourself throwing up in the grass, only to be dragged onto the matt, groveling at your knees from a punch to the gut, only to be lifted back up to fight.

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