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"If I could go outside
 And take you out
 We could talk all night
 You're all I think about"

If You Were Mine - MINOVA

The door handle clicked, and the door slowly opened, a nervous Izuku Midoriya inside. His mother by his side, a nervous, yet beaming smile on her face, and you were blown away by their resemblance. Her smile was the same as his, a shocking yet welcoming feature you admired about the boy. 

"Thank you for inviting me!" you blurted out, giving them a bow in respect. 

"Oh no! Thank you for coming, come in!" Midoriya said, a quivering, nervous smile as you crutched in. In all the chaos, the boy had failed to mention to his mother exactly how injured you were, but regardless, you acted no differently, carefully stepping inside and removing your one shoe. 

"Oh, here, I got these for you," you smiled, handing Inko the bag cheerfully. Her heart leaped as every hope and expectation she had for you, you only seemed to exceed. 

"Thank you, this is very sweet of you," Inko managed to get out without showing the full extent of her excitement. Though it meant a lot to her, Midoriya's heart leapt at the sudden realization that you'd remembered what he said. But how? It'd been so long; how could you remember something so simple as his mother's favorite flower?

An extremely kind gesture that he'd never seen from you before. Was this really the same person he'd invited to dinner? Little did he know about what you'd endured. It was subtle, but each passing hour, what'd you'd seen in the water the previous day seemed to change your outlook. 

It was like every bias disappeared. You saw him differently now. Not just for the boy you met in middle school, but for a boy who saved you, put his life on the line for a girl he'd only recently become friends with, a boy who radiated light and positivity, who genuinely care about those around him, no incentive needed. He didn't see the way you looked at him changed, but he did see the change in you. 

"Come in, sit down," Inko said, showing you to the table. You came down the hallway at a significantly slower speed than expected, and thus, noticed more things. 

One thing that stuck out, of course, was the door labeled 'Izuku' and though you wouldn't consider yourself a nosey person, who wouldn't glance towards it. To your surprise, it was slightly cracked open, and holy shit, did it surprise you. 

It was as though this boy dedicated his whole heart and soul to All Might. You watched his ears turn an alarming shade of red as he noticed the slight glance you'd given it, and you tried to play it off as though it didn't shock you. 

Making it to the dining room, you were warmed by its homey atmosphere. In a way, you felt more at home than in your own house. "Here," Midoriya said, pulling out a chair at the table for you, sending the same warm, giddy feeling to your heart. 

"Thank you Midoriya."

"Call me Izuku, I mean, if you want of course!" he said calmly, panicking a bit at the end. But you just smiled, not trying to make his stammer any more awkward. The two nervously rushed around as they realized this was real. This would be the perfect time to mention that it was not only the first time Izuku had a girl over, but a friend in general, making this a once in a blue moon experience. 

Thankfully, without mishap, they had everything placed out, and they sat down at the table, Izuku by your side, and Inko across. There was a bit of a nervous halt in time, where no one really knew how to start, so Inko began in the best way she could. 

"I'm so glad to finally meet you (y/n)," she began, 'finally' was the word that stuck out to you, obviously hinting at the bigger picture. Of course, Izuku noticed this, and face turning a violent shade of red, he realized the situation at hand. "Izuku has told me so much about you..."

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