The Last Stand

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Jumping towards All Might, a gate formed in front of Midoriya. All hope seemed lost, until it didn't.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY DEKU!" Bakugo yelled, blasting the mist away, grabbing the tangible metal part of Kurogiri and holding him down.

A sheet of ice encased the Nomu, and you knew it was the work of Todoroki. "One of your poorly trained thugs told me you were here because you think you can kill All Might," he said, sounding all cool and shit. You sure did hate him, but his efforts allowed All Might to escape.

Kirishima came out of nowhere, lunging at Shigaraki, cursing himself when his hit didn't land. You, however, got a chance to land one, punching a wave of fire at the blue haired bastards face. A bit of retribution for the pain he caused you. You tried to ignore the dizziness brought on by it.

The man stumbled back, and things were held at a temporary stand still. "Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here."

"You got careless you dumb villain," Bakugo laughed, "It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate, you use that mist to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction, thinking that made you safe. But if you didn't have a body, you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor right?" he said with a malicious smile. "You're not immune to physical attacks it they're well aimed."

"They escaped uninjured and captured my two strongest men. Kid's these days really are amazing, they make the league of villains look like amatures, can't have that, Nomu," the man started, and the creature dragged itself out of the warp gate, still frozen.

Breaking off its limbs, it let out a shrill cry before regrowing them like it was nothing. "Stay back everybody!" All Might yelled as you all stared in shock.

"What is this? I thought you said his power was shock absorption?" All Might yelled.

"I didn't say that was his only quirk, he also has super regeneration! Nomu had been modified to take you on, even at 100 percent of your power, he's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hit's back, first we need to free our method of escape, get him Nomu," Shigaraki said calmly, and the thing lunged at Bakugo.

It was at an incomprehensible speed, matching that of All Might. But you weren't stupid, taking this moment as a perfect opportunity to attack Shigaraki. Well, maybe you were stupid.

Landing a fiery punch to Shigaraki's face, you tried to ignore the deafening impact of the Nomu's hit, only hoping All Might was able to save Bakugo. Then in less than a second, less than a split second, you felt it.

A swift impact on the same leg you'd cauterized. It was the Nomu. With a hard kick, it broke your leg in both shin bones, sending you 100 feet in the opposite direction, leaving you groveling in the ground next to your classmates.

It was 1/10th of it's power having just hit All Might across the building, but the impact left a devastating effect on your body. 

"Oh my gosh, (y/n) you're hurt!" Midoriya exclaimed. From Bakugo being safe, to you being nearly killed, all in almost an instant, everyone was just registering the situation.

"Are you okay?" Kirishima asked you. The kick broke your Fibula and fracture your Tibia meaning you could still get up, but with great struggle. Thankfully you seemed to do a bit of damage on the man, as he struggled to regain his composure.

"Yeah," you said, answering Kirishima. It was funny honestly, that all the damage you'd sustained was from the same leg. "My pride's a bit hurt though," you sighed.

"Shit, these are kids, and you didn't hold back!?" All Might yelled, gasping for his breath.

"I didn't have much choice. He was threatening my companion, and this one just attacked me. Besides, these kids are no angels. The plain looking one, he tried to kill me with a maxed-out punch, what kind of hero does something like that?" Shigaraki seemed to conveniently leave out the part where he was trying to kill you, and Midoriya only did it in defense. "You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others. Well, you know what All Might? That pisses me off. Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic, and others are villainous. Casting judgment as to what's good and what's evil, you think you're the symbol of peace? Heh, you're just another government sponsored instrument of violence, and violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead."

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