The Results

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NOTE: This chapter has a lot stuffed into it, just to try and get to the good stuff you started reading for, but I can promise it's all important to some extent. But in the coming chapters we WILL get some (y/n) and Midoriya 1 on 1 cute action. I always forget how uninteresting this is compared to the chapters i'm currently writing, so if you like this just know it gets progressively better.

"Just like her father, she lacks restraint"

"Yes, but you have to admit, it was an amazing feat. Over a hundred points."

"That's true, but she put the lives of the other examinees at risk,"

"That attitude can be fine-tuned later."

"Why wasn't a girl like this recommended?"

"She was given a recommendation offer, but as far as we know she rejected it. Oddly enough, her father did the same thing when he attended, an interesting way to stand out I suppose."

"Or possibly an overconfident message."

You had nearly destroyed the mock city, setting it to flames and annihilating nearly every robot. Countless of metal enemies lay destroyed, the rest breaking down on their own from the immense heat.


You gained 137 points in the short amount of time, the second-place scorer in your area only getting in about 25 before your drove everyone out, causing them to forfeit. You walked out of the city as the buzzer eerily rang signaling the end of the exam, and shortly after, the footage cut out.

Aizawa leaned up against the far wall. Carefully, he observed the melted camera, examining its shattered lenses. It truly was an incredible power.


You'd grown closer with Midoriya over the coming months. You weren't close in 'hang out after school way' but rather a 'I'll talk to you during lunch but no other time outside of that' type of relationship. You'd call him a good acquaintance, not quite a friend. 

You hadn't walked to the exam together and hadn't walked home from it together. You approached your front door alone, letting out a loud sigh before opening the door to the oddly quiet house. 

It was rare to say the least, but your father had come home early. Filing through paperwork at the counter, he turned in your direction as finally shut the door and walked into the house. 

An unbothered yet intense look crossed his face as you gave him a cold stare.

"Did you pass?" he asked, only a deep rooted tone of what you assumed to be contempt hinting in his voice. Your face remained undisturbed as you looked back at him, then turning away, you headed towards your bedroom door. 



Waking up slowly at 6 am, you picked up your phone, tiredly shutting off the alarm. Your father had already left for work hours prior. Lazily, you got dressed into a relaxed outfit consisting of old sweatpants and a tank top, then slowly dragged yourself to the kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast for you and your mother. 

You weren't sure what came over you when you decided to check the front entry way, but you surely weren't expecting to find your brothers shoe's. Though it was technically his house too, he spent extremely limited time there. Only on the occasional days he couldn't find a place to sleep. You could understand. He did it because he'd never been loved in your home to put it bluntly, and though you hadn't either, it was different. 

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