Hard Work

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NOTE: TYSM for 2k i love you all sm, also I lost power AGAIN ARHLKSDJLKSJFLDSFJ so IDK when this will be posted. ALSO I edited while listening to phonk cause i'm so sleep deprived but really wanna edit AND really wanna get my school work done

Without warning, you began a fast sprint up the first hundred feet of the hill, Izuku following close behind. Walking a few feet to catch your breath, you began again for another hundred feet, then again.

The hill started out at an extremely steep 45 degree angle with pine needles and dead leaves making your feet slip with every step. With that, you exerted twice the effort one would normally, and it was killing the poor boy.

Your heart beat out of your chest and a taste of blood lingered with every breathe. It'd been so long since you'd had to run up the hill, and you forgot how bad it was. Izuku rested his hand on a tree, face and shirt absolutely drenched in sweat and gagged into the mush of leaves and mud by his side.

"Don't give up on me now," you panted, grabbing your throat as it burned in a horrible way, and feeling your legs nearly give out.

Izuku wanted to say something, but he knew that if he tried to speak, he'd end up throwing up. Then, before he was even ready, you bounded up the hill for another 200 feet.

You didn't tell him, partly because you didn't want him to exert any less effort, but the hill had begun to reduce in steepness.

He caught up to your side, finally losing the protein bar into a pile of leaves, sweating buckets as he saw black spots in his vision. "You ready?" you said, a small smile on your face.

"Huh?" he gasped out, a look of utter fear on his face.

"We're going the rest of the way without stopping, you got this, don't give up now," you gasped, feeling as though you were about to collapse. He had a look of intensity on his face as he nodded, determined to do anything you said.

It was a whole half a mile, and you started the pursuit of 2640 feet.

It was a horrible struggle, the next 500 feet of 40 degree incline, you would make it, but Izuku wasn't too sure. He was exerting 100% effort, which by now was a walking speed as his muscles refused to spend any more effort.

You were far ahead, but after the hard 500, there was another 500 of 30 degrees which you seemed to be heaven after that, then finally, there was a drastic chance as the grade turned to only ten degrees and then two, which you sprinted up full speed for the last 1640 feet.

By then, Izuku was far behind, but determined to catch up, he knew he had to make it through, so he gave it his full effort. He knew he'd reached the top when he saw the cabin, but only through blurred vision as he collapsed on the ground next to where you lay.

"How often did you do this?" he asked once he'd finally caught his breath, still in awe you'd kept your hoodie and sweatpants on the entire time. In reality, you'd just been too tired to take them off.

"I used to do this at least three times a week, I'm not sure how though," you gasped. It'd been a hot minute since your dad had gotten the chance to directly train with you, and you'd been so caught up in life to make a visit to your old home.

That's what you called it anyways. Sure, you'd grown up in the house you lived in, but your father kept you at the cabin to train so long that it was practically your home.

It wasn't small by any means. You were to be a hero, your father was a hero, and your grandfather was, and your great grandfather was one of the first great heroes to exist, and before that, your family came from a long line of fighters.

Forever - Izuku Midoriya x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum