The Blinding Lights

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NOTE: in this story, I'm writing Uraraka to have no romantic feelings for Izuku AT ALL. So eveything she says is in a teasing manner, she's not jelous, and maybe even ships them a bit.


Ontario by Novo amor

"You look great!" Uraraka said, running up to you with Hagakure at her side and Tsu following close behind. 

"You guys look great too," you said, observing their outfits. Uraraka, Hagakure, and Tsu seemed to dress up in a similar way to you, which made you feel better about possibly overdoing it. 

Kirishima, Tokoyami, Izuku, and Shoji chatted amongst themselves, and you overheard that Kirishima wasn't able to get Bakugo to go, which was a big relief to you.

"So, what made you guys want to plan this all of the sudden?" you asked.

"Well, we were thinking everyone needs a chance to cool off and calm down after all the stress, and since everyone's been training hard for the sports festival, we were thinking now would be the perfect time for a little break," Uraraka smiled. "I do have a question though. Why'd you lie when I asked if you and Deku were hanging out?" She'd already asked you, but you guessed she wanted to see your reaction face to face. 

A deep blush ran across your face, and you could feel an embarrassing heat rise to your head. This gave out a clearly mixed signal to the girls. They seemed to think you were embarrassed and that something must have happened, but you were embarrassed she'd actually pointed out your obvious lie face to face. 

"Well," you started, shifting around a bit anxiously, "I'm not really sure why. I guess I just didn't want to make it seem like anything it wasn't. We were training, which is why he has that giant bruise on his face," you nervously laughed, and the girls turned and observed.

They didn't question it further, yet they were a bit disappointed it wasn't something more. Given the fact it was a whole new class of people, you all didn't know each other enough to really have any drama to discuss. However, the looks Izuku started giving you was reason enough to talk.

Uraraka and Tsu led the way, and Izuku joined your side. You didn't mind, in fact, you liked it. He chatted with you about your training, and you had things to contribute. The girls watched as he walked, eyes trained on you with an engaged and enthusiastic look.

He really did like you, not in the way they assumed, but he felt like you were someone he could really talk with. "So, do you think we'll be able to train tomorrow? Today was hard, but I feel like i've learned so much from you already! You're a really great teacher!" he exclaimed, bringing a smile to your face.

"Let's see how we feel in the morning. You might feel fine, but your muscles are going to be beyond sore," you laughed, knowing he'd probably text you in the morning about how badly it hurt to move. 


Grabbing a table, you sat down, Tsu on one side and Izuku on the other. It was a tight fit, getting everyone into one table, but worth it. 

"Just right off the bat," the waiter started, "Are we all paying together, seperate, just to keep track of who gets what."

"I think we're all seperate," Uraraka started. 

"We'll pay together," Izuku chimed in, motioning to the two of you.

"What the fuck?" You asked, turning to the side as waiter noted it.

"I owe you for today," he said, making you sigh as the waiter already started taking drink orders. You better believe Uraraka and Hagarkure were going wild over this small show of affection, and the boys were intrigued as well. 

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