Waking Up

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Note: Been so long since I published cause my power was out, and it broke my internet TT

The world came into view as your eyes fluttered open, revealing the sterile white surroundings of the hospital room. An antiseptic scent lingered in the air, bringing to full attention the situation at hand.

You placed a hand at your side, attempting to move, but a sharp pain in your head quickly halted any motion, and a wave of dizziness and nausea overcame your senses. The sounds of cries and wails from down the halls, and the subtle beep of your heart monitor became a dissonant soundtrack to your disoriented awakening.

The overhead fluorescent light created a clinical glow, and the cool sensation of the impersonal sheets clung to your weak body. Your leg, encased in a cumbersome cast, making it seem like a foreign appendage, heavy and immovable. It was only then that you realized your arm was encased in a similar mold.

You'd been so wrapped up in fighting for your life, its ache didn't come to your attention until now. The morphine drip attached to your arm eased the pain, an IV bag held to your left, and a flurry of wires stuck like stickers to the side of your head.

In a weary haze, you removed the monitors, taking them in a fistful. Feeling head, the wound on top seemed to be all but gone, and though a subtle change, your concussion had been partially healed. The work of recovery girl no doubt. The drips still in your arm, you didn't dare remove them.

Alone in the quietude, you could almost taste the gravity of your injuries, the lingering echoes of trauma that permeated the room. The door creaked open, and a tall man adorned in a white coat entered. He held a hefty clip board, and an empty wheelchair was brought in by a nurse right behind him.

"How are we feeling Ms. Akagi?" He asked in a voice that almost didn't seem his own. Your eyes drifted from him to his legs, and there you saw him. Principal Nezu, giving you a warm smile.

"Fine I guess."

"Well," the doctor started, and you knew that meant you weren't. You'd been in hospitals plenty times. Broken bones, concussions, sprains, stitches, you'd had it all. It wasn't a feat of any kind to be well versed in hospital lingo, but it did help to prepare you for news to come.

"We'd like you keep you here overnight. Due to the nature of your concussion, as well as the damage sustained to your leg and arm, it's best to be monitored carefully until we're sure your condition is completely stable. As for the specifics, you'd sustained a trauma to the back of your head, resulting in a severe concussion and loss of blood, your fibula has sustained a pretty serious comminuted fracture, while your tibia has sustained a transverse fracture, not to mention the extreme lacerations to the skin of your shin. Luckly for you, the fragments of your Fibula have been kept localized, and your wrist only sustained a slight greenstick fracture. Your school's Recovery Girl has partially healed your concussion as well as the laceration to your head."

You could barely take in the information, let alone process it. "Of course," he continued, flipping back to the cover page. "We could discharge you, but an adult must be present to check in on you in case something happens. Let me make this as clear as I can, you cannot walk on it, bed rest is ideal until Recovery girl is able to pay you another visit," he said strictly, and you gave a small nod in response. Your mother was home alone. Did you really even have a choice but to go?

"I'd like to go home if that's alright." Your mother likely hadn't had dinner yet, unless your brother was home, or your father got off early. The chances of either of those happening were slim in your mind, though the school had likely informed your dad of what had happened.

"Can I call someone to pick you up? Maybe your father or mother?" Nezu asked, but you denied.

"Can I call my brother?"

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