New Perspective

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A/N: This chapter is pretty boring because I need it to introduce the next set of chapters, but the end it pretty cute TBH

Your father's driver unexpectedly came to pick you up for school that morning. Though there was barely an exchange of words, you were aware of your fathers extremely rare day off, and how out of the even rarer kindness of his heart, he made you breakfast for the second day in a row. 

Was this really the man you resented? He'd taken everything under the sun away from you; your childhood with your mother, your youth, he'd given you unimaginable scars; both mental and physical. You wanted to hate him so much, you wanted to loathe him, and a part of you wanted him to hate you back. 

So why did he make you breakfast? In your mind it was too late for any sort of redemption. He'd made up his mind all those years ago; that day you started training. You were grateful for your power, but some days even the thought of his name gave you're a revulsive feeling in your gut. 

That morning, your father approached your door, his overarching presence making you halt and face him. "My driver will be taking you to school today, be ready." 

That was all. 

And so, he did. You had to admit, it was better than taking the train, especially in your condition. 

Before heading to class, recovery girl removed your cast and stiches, and healed the remainder of your injuries, leaving you with only a few aches and pains.

It sure did feel better walking on your own two feet, you had to admit. 


"Who knows what would've happened if the pro's hadn't shown up," Sero stated.

You were in the back of the class, leaning silently back in your chair. A few people had come to ask you how you felt, namely Kirishima, who you'd nearly died on, and of course the two girls you'd actually gotten to know, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu. 

It's not that anyone thought that you were weak, or that you couldn't handle your own. You knew that, but to think that they would compare you to your father, and his own reckless nature when his legacy was the one you were trying to escape from sent a shock through your heart. 

Things seemed to have taken a turn, the winds have shifted, and you couldn't tell whether a storm or clear skies neared. How could you? Your world had gone through so many changes, your dinner with the Midoriya's let you know you truly had a friend, while your interaction with your mother gave you a new hope in a way. But what was this new attitude of your fathers? You couldn't seem to make sense of it all. 

The USJ incident was a whole other obstacle that you had to try and understand, and the more you did, the more you seemed to drift off into your sea of thoughts. 

Your thoughts about your own life and struggles seemed to vanish as your teacher walked in. Bandages covering his body head to toe like a mummy, you felt as though your troubles were insignificant. 

"Your fight isn't over yet," Aizawa announced to the class, setting down a clipboard. A shiver went down your spine as the air hung dry. A look of shock hung on your face as you tried to decipher his vague message. 

More villains? A new enemy? Or was this merely a sick joke in an attempt for your aloof teacher to connect with his class by means of "Dark humor."

"The U.A. sports festival is about to begin," he continued. Your heart reached a normal pace as a sense of relief washed over you. A cruel joke to play on a class of newly traumatized students, but in a way, he had to have his own fun, and it was good to know he wasn't all doom and gloom.

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