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"Ngh!" you exclaimed, falling headfirst onto a hard floor, picking yourself up and sitting back against a wall in shock you looked around, finding yourself to be all alone. A moment of silence passed over you as you observed your surroundings, looking around to see where exactly you were. 

'A ship deck, this must be the shipwreck zone,' you thought to yourself silently. Then all of the sudden a wet body landed right next to you. "FUCK!" you practically screamed, jumping to your feet and bracing for a fight. 

Midoriya, completely soaked, jumped to attention as you looked at him with a terrified look. Then catching your breath, you looked over, taken aback by Tsu perching on the railings, a sopping wet Mineta wrapped in her tongue. 

She slammed his body into the ground, resulting in a yelp to escape his mouth. "This is turning out to be a terrible day of class," she sighed, finally climbing on board. 

"I keep on thinking about what the villain said," Midoriya started, referencing how he was talking about All Might. "They must have been gathered information while the teachers were trying to get media off of school grounds."

"Then that means they've got this all figured out huh, but I'm assuming they don't know student quirks. It's probably just luck I was sent here, given I'm pretty useless in water, but this is perfect for Tsu," you started.

Taking a peek over the side of the ship, you saw the villains slowly approach. Quickly pointing it out, you assumed a fight would inevitably ensue. Just your luck.

You knew you had to do something. Midoriya was lost in thought, Mineta crying out like a baby, and Tsu looked almost clueless. You'd been trained for so long, it wasn't for nothing, there had to have been something you suffered through to prepare you for now. 

"If they can beat him," Midoriya started, clenching his fists, "Then we have to stop whatever it is these bad guys are planning. We have to work together and keep All Might safe, and no one at UA knows what's happening, so this is up to us, let's be heroes."

You felt a small smile of admiration curl on your lips, looking over the edge of the boat, you went to observe your enemies, only to find them gone. "They're not here," you started, looking back. The three gave you a look of shock, peaking over the deck. 

You all peered over, unaware of the impending danger at hand. Suddenly, an unseen force tightened around your sense, and before you could react, a swift impact connected with the back of your head.

A disorienting jolt coursed through your body, and darkness enveloped your senses. The assault left you teetering on the edge of awareness before ultimately feeling yourself begin to succumb to the abyss of unconsciousness. 

You heard it. The crack of a hard object making contact with your skull, leaving you with a warm liquid flooding your vision. Water? No, the smell was all too familiar.

Were you going to die? The sickening gut feeling as your mind forcibly prepared itself for its last surrender, realizing that this wasn't just school, it was so much more serious. They wanted you dead, really, they wanted you dead. 

The ground beneath your feet betrayed your weakened state, and your head rolled, leaving your grasp on consciousness hanging by the thinnest thread. With an ominous inevitability, you felt your waist hit the railing of the ship, head tipping over the edge, and feet lifting off the ground, throwing you off the edge. 

 Time seems to dilate as the world whirled in a kaleidoscope of blurred images. The decent was both surreal and terrifying.

You were met with a searing pain accompanied by your abrupt meeting with the frigid water below, as if the liquid depths conspired to deliver a cruel awakening. The cold wrapped around you like an icy blanket, accentuating the sharp sting of reality. 

Forever - Izuku Midoriya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now