Chapter 54: Your My Moon

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*Alora POV*

Our bodies twisted and turned till my feet felt the grass again, feeling the wind in my face, the warm breeze, the slight splash of water spraying up on my face from the cliffside.

I blinked my eyes multiple times trying to get my barrings, my eyes feasting on the dark moon in the distance just over the sea. Its glow bouncing its reflection from the ocean. It was stunningly beautiful.

I looked behind me, the woman I had brought with me was twirling around the grass, feeling the grass in between her toes and feet. Relishing in the feeling of finally being free. Free of torture.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She yelled in delight, finally stopping as her eyes had too looked off into the distance of the ocean.

I got to my feet slowly, watching her carefully.

She pointed into the distance.

"Do you see that?" She asked.

I squinted my eyes to see but could barely make out a small rock in the distance.

"That my dear..... is Azkaban."

I huffed. My eyes seeming to water over the sight.

The raw emotion of him being so close. He was in arms reach. I just had to figure out how to cross it.

At the edge of the cliffside, there was a stone pillar.

The woman walked up to it, putting her hand on the top. Soon enough, a rumble of stone flooded to the top from the ocean floor. Creating a pathway before us.

She stepped forward, her eyes motioning for me to follow her.

I wasted no time, catching up to her as our journey began down the long pathway to Azkaban.


"So, tell me...." She spoke up, we had been walking for some time now. Seeming as though Azkaban was still out of reach. We had awhile to walk before we even got remotely close. ".... who are you going to choose?" She playfully asked.

I eyed her cautiously from the corner of my eye. Trying to understand what her motive was.

Why the hell do you care.....

"What's it to you?" I asked

She laughed, "Well.... speaking as your going to rescue one and then go back to someone else who's waiting for you, seems awfully like something you should talk through. Why don't you humour an old woman, hm?"

I sighed, giving in to her request. We still had a long walk anyway and maybe it would be nice to get someone else's opinions.

"It's quite complicated to be fair with you....." she smiled, listening intently as we continued to walk, "... and to be honest, it's something one long walk on a stone bridge won't cover I'm afraid."

She chuckled to herself, "Often the best stories are the longest ones, even the ones we can't finish ourselves. But please..." she motioned, "continue."

My eyes looked off into the distance, the moon reflection getting bigger as if we were walking to step on it. Heading for the stars.

I breathed, "It's like the moon, the waves and the shore. I-.... I'm the waves, getting pulled further into the ocean, one wave at a time. He is the moon, its gravity pulling me constantly to him. No matter how many storms or tribals he throws at me...... I get pulled over and over. Like there's nothing stopping it. While Ominis..... the shore. Constantly getting sucked out to sea, by me..... and the bad part is-...." I said looking off into the tall building off into the distance, knowing Sebastian was there. I breathed deeply, "... is he's letting me....... and there's nothing I can do about it...."

Her eyes widened, taking in my analogy.

I sighed, "The moon, ocean and shore are just a never ending cycle. No matter how much time has passed, its always push and pull.....Over and over."

"...I see."

I nodded.

"So now tell me..... what would you do?"

She paused, taking in a long breath. Breathing in my situation as she thought it through carefully.

"Well.... what does your heart tell you?" She asked, turning to me.

"Honestly... tells me to run-"

She burst out laughing, rolling her eyes.

"If only life we're that simple where we could all run away from our problems, but-... let me tell you one thing I've learned since I've had time to think sitting in that dark hole......" she stopped, her eyes wandering over me. Taking in a long look, picturing me. I looked around feeling awkward as she was almost checking me out. Making me feel uneasy.

She stepped in closer, too close for comfort.

"..... regardless of the moon, shore and waves..... you, my dear, will still chart your own course. And let me tell you something, those damn waves you say you are-" she smiled brightly, "... are a force to be reckoned with."

..... that doesn't help...

"....thank you?" I said, turning away from her and continuing to walk down the stone bridge.

She followed behind me slowly. Breathing in the sea air.

I know what she meant. That the choice was mine and mine alone.... But it didn't make the decision any easier. In truth.... If Sebastian didn't want me, it made the decision awfully simple but in the same respect, it wouldn't. I knew I'd have to deal with the heartbreak of losing him all over again. But in this case, at least he would be free of this place. 

But in another case, maybe........ maybe I wouldn't have to start over alone. 


"This is where I leave you." She said, turning towards me. 

The tall stone building in the middle of the ocean shook violently from the constant waves crashing upon it. Bracing ourselves ever so often to keep our balance. 

I looked around, still only seeing a stone wall with no door. 

"I don't understand.... where is this secret entrance?" I asked. 

She chuckled, walking up to the stone and putting her hand to it. 

A small beam of light surrounded her hand and soon enough her hand went inside the wall. I watched mesmerized of the magic. 

"It's that simple?" I asked.

She turned towards me as her hand became free of the stone. 

"No..... it's never that simple. There's still dementors that will be wandering the halls, potential guards on different shifts...." She sighed, "I don't know what you'll find in there, and to be honest with you, people change... while they are in here. Don't be surprised if-, when you find him that he's not the same person you once knew."

"I know...... I just hope-.... in some way, he's happy I came."

She smiled, "For your sanity, I hope so too."

She began to walk down the stone pathway once again, leaving me watching her. Her voice humming in the wind, the breeze in her hair. A free woman. 

"Good luck, Alora." She yelled over her shoulder, stopping for a second to look at me once again. "And-..... this bridge only last for so long, remember that."

I nodded to her. 

Turning to the cold stone wall, putting my hand up to it and seeing the same white light shadow over my hand. 

My heart coming up out of my chest and up through my throat. The thoughts of seeing him again, finally.

I'm here.

I'm coming.

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