Chapter 28: Falling Deeper

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*Alora POV*

I still remember how you drank your coffee. You had tea occasionally, but you preferred it mostly black, no sugar with enough cream to change the color to a dark brown.

I was more a tea girl, but craved coffee when I was too tired to keep my eyes open. Lemon tea with a hint of honey. Maybe some mint if I was lucky.

You liked butterbeer hot, watching the froth at the top melt as the steam would make it disappear.

I liked mine frozen, letting the froth sit on top as long as it wanted. Letting our taste buds run wild while I slurped.

You always laughed at me when it would stick to my upper lip.

Occasionally bumping my shoulder playfully, letting the butterflies fill my stomach and eventually my mind with all the possibilities how things could have been....

What should have been......

But now...... won't be......

I....... always thought if we lived in a world where if you tried hard enough, wanted things bad enough..... you would get what you wanted.

I thought if I-....... did things out of the normal to prove my love to you...... things would change. Putting myself last and risking everything, including my own life-...... that maybe just maybe..... then you would love me.....

But here you are, loving me, trusting me, believing-....... in me..... and I-... failed you.

I failed.

I ruined everything. I ruined our chances because I was too selfish, too headstrong.

Putting my own feelings in front of others when in reality..... it was my biggest downfall.

And now...... here you are..... walking away into darkness.

My heart going with you.

My heart bleeding for you.

My heart beating for you.

And yet..... now your heart is full of hate.

For me.

I was suffocating, I thought at first it was because of how I acted when I saw my face appear on the pensieve, but now it's because I'm gasping for air. Trying to force air into my lungs but only hearing the squeal of my heart breaking.

All I could do was watch and see your face.

Watching you now understand that my actions of running off without you..... cost you........your entire life.

I'm sorry.

But don't worry Sebastian....... my own darkness will come for me.

Forever punishing me.

Because without you....... there isn't a me.

Because without you..... there will be no tea or coffee.

Because without you...... the butterbeer will melt... another sip won't be taken.

For as long as you are gone.....the froth will drown.

Just like me.

Falling deeper.

And deeper.

And deeper.

Into the darkness.


The second you were out of reach, my mind reacted on its own.

The heat rushing to my face, the numbness in my toes and fingers. My legs completely jello and the only thing I could have thought would help would be more fresh air.

So I ran.

The echoes of Ominis and Anne screams and yells for me were like a blur. The only sound I was able to hear was my own shallow breath as I escaped this place.

There were many glances, many wandering eyes that followed me out to the main entrance of the Ministry, but they too were like a blur. A figure of my imagination.

The fireplaces in the corners were my exit, waiting to be taken anywhere. Somewhere, just not here. Anywhere but here. 

My mind went to Hogwarts, but that wouldn't be possible.

My mind went to the Sallow home, but too many painful memories would be waiting for me. The beach, the catacombs, the rocky cliff side, the bench, the carriage, the thestrals, the-............ pain.

I jumped into the fireplace, my mind immediately thinking of the one place in which I didn't want to go. 

The forbidden forest.

The blur from the ground finally became visible again, seeing the dark eerie trees covering the sky. Even during the day, the dark aroma in the forest was deep and dense. 

The ground was still lumpy and bumpy from when the repository had exploded with power, but in the distance my eyes landed on a familiar sight. 

I got up slowly, brushing off the dirt from my clothes as I clutched onto myself. 

The temperature had dropped fast, even with it being a summer night. But the sight......... was beautiful.

There was a small pond, the fireflies, lightning bugs surrounding the area. Giving it a yellow and white glow, just like there were a million stars floating over the water. 

I gasped. 

I remembered this place, but now... even seemed more familiar. The fireflies, the lightning bugs, the dark pond, the deep fog in which spread. 

I looked off into the distance, seeing a thestral not too far. Drinking water. 

My knees buckled from underneath me, looking down right at the edge as I looked into my own reflection into the water.

I didn't recognize myself anymore. I was not the person I wanted to be. I-............ I changed.

My body began to shiver, feeling the goosebumps jump over me. The lump in my throat, as I tried swallowing. It was all coming back to me now. 

No wonder why I choose this place.

It made me think of............. him.

Pain erupted in my chest, hyperventilation rebroke inside my heart.

No, this was too much, I can't.

The thoughts of him, the way his hair looked when I pushed it back with my fingers, the glistening sweat of small crystals bouncing off the light, how his body moved and shined from the moonlight. 

"I-........... CAN'T....."

I couldn't breathe, immediate panic setting in. 

I grabbed the ground trying to grab onto anything that was stable. But only feeling the mushy ground in my fingers. The mud sliding through them.

"NO-......... I-....."


I closed my eyes, trying to get his face out of my mind but he wouldn't leave. His eyes beating down on me, his heavy dark brown caramel traumatized eyes, ever so fearful, were now full of hate.

The ancient magic erupted, feeling my skin burn. Almost like a firework was going off in my body but getting hotter by the second.


I couldn't take it anymore.


I sobbed, feeling the red tears burn my cheeks.

I was losing control.

But this time........... I didn't care. 

He was gone. 

And I-............ was dead. 

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