Chapter 47: Dripping In Pain

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*** Paint It Black by Ciara was so good to listen to with this chapter. Give it a try and tell me what you think!!!***

*Alora POV*

If someone had told me in the past that I'd be wandering the Gaunts manor with no other than Marvolo Gaunt, I would have told you how absolutely outrageous and horrid that idea would have been. But things have changed...... I've changed.

The world has even changed...... and not for the better. I only knew this because of the circumstances my life had given me over and over. Deceit, lies, failure......... no chances ever given to those who needed mercy or-....  a second chance.

I've seen it firsthand when I was an Aura, watching the innocent constantly get burned by the justice we set out for them. We just were never quick enough.... and the ones who did defend themselves were never strong enough.

The darkness would take over, the light would diminish and those taken by the darkness.... would never come back to the light.

Over and over. The cycle continuing till there would be nothing left. Just like the sand getting pulled back into the ocean from the waves, never replenishing what was lost. Just take.... and take.... and take-.

"Take this-" Marvolo said abruptly.

I looked up, not realizing I had again, dozed off looking off into the picture of Salazar Slytherin over the mantle. Finally being able to get a good look at him.

Marvolo handed me a cup, suspiciously I looked down into it. Noticing a dark red liquid. But it was darker than red, darker than blood.....

"What is this-"

"Wine. What else."

He said drinking his own cup and chugging back the fluid.

I set the cup down on the counter, not wanting to take it as wine.... or alcohol for that matter didn't seem all that appealing.

Marvolo went over to a door, opening it slightly. Taking a deep breath in as if he was stepping outside for the first time in a while.

"Ah.... the sweet aroma..... " He breathed, "......are you ready?"

I turned, watching him open the door wider for me. Seeing a railing go down with a flight of stairs.

"Ready for what?" I asked, moving towards him cautiously.

He smirked, stepping aside so I could peek.

The stairs spiraled down in a circular motion, the railings in gold as it went into the dark. Cold air washed over my face, like small icicles were plastering my face. Distant screams in the shadows. I could barely make out if it was a man or women.

His sick voice came to my ear as he stood behind me.

"Ready for your future...."

I pinched my eyes shut. Feeling the sickness of my stomach churn.

So, it's true.... this is where the tortured people stayed...... the rumors...... were all true.

I took my first step down.

Marvolo shutting the door behind me as I heard it lock, a turn of a key.

Once we got down the spiraling staircase, it turned into a maze of hallways.

I closed my eyes, hearing the distance screams, the cast of the cruciatus curse. The slash of the casting of spells. It was so faint......... to a normal person it was just white noise but to me..... or any other wizarding kind knew the sound...

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