Chapter 11: A Snakes Temptation

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*Ominis POV*

Present day

Penelope's whimpers bounced off the cement walls. Occasionally turning into full on sobs before she would lose her voice, quite down for a while, and then the process would happen all over again. Her eyes never looking up, always just focusing on the ground. I knew there was nothing I could really say to help her through her struggles. Whatever she must have gotten into is really none of my business or that I care enough to really ask. But I did need her to be honest with me so I could relay the information over to Marvolo. So that the information that I needed would be released to me. I could not fail this time......... at least not again.

The air was cold down here in the basement, occasionally remembering to wiggle my fingers to bring back the blood and circulation.

I sighed, looking at her weeping state as she had just calmed down enough.

"Penelope...... please...."

I heard her heartbeat start to quicken as I inched towards her slowly.

She shook her head again, her eyes still focusing on the floor as her hair washed over her face.

"Ugh....." I groaned, feeling my own heartrate quicken. My hands beginning to sweat as I gripped my wand, twisting it between my index finger and my thumb.

"You have to understand..... we are both going to suffer if you don't make a choice!"

My voice echoed through the room as I walked up to her. I knew I was running out of time if I didn't do something fast.

I huffed, watching as she just did absolutely nothing. My words did not phase her.

I felt sick thinking of Marvolo's words, he was right. And I hated that he might be right.

"Damn it all to hell....................." I said under my breath. "I'm sorry Penelope........... I really am.... but there are important things in my life that are at risk if I don't do what I need to..... I'm sorry...."

I tumbled with my wand, looking down at this poor woman who was at my complete mercy.

I raised my wand, ready to strike her with the one curse I'd swore to myself that I'd never cast again. The one thing in my life I swore I would never be a part of....... but here I am.

Penelope's eyes raised slowly, seeing the bare glimpses of her eyes focusing on me. She began to weep, watching as the tears fell down her cheeks. The same look in her eyes of hopefulness.

Flashes of old memories flooded my mind of a younger self, cowering to Marvolo after strike after strike of the curse. My eyes begging him to stop as he continued to laugh. My father in the corner just watching me, trying to make me stronger and then trying to force me to use it on others.

Over and over the flashes of red light bounced in my eyes as I focused on her. This vicious cycle never ending.

I raised my wand higher, ready to strike her but Anne's face came into view in my mind. Her arms crossed against her chest as she turnd away from me, ready to take the punishment.

I gasped when I saw her, dropping my wand from my hands. Hearing it bounce off the ground, hearing it roll near the door.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it and I didn't know why!

"Fuck!" I yelled, moving away from her, walking over to the wall as I reached for it. My back sliding down till I was sitting on the ground.

I heard the chair squeak as Penelope shifted in her chair. Knowing I made a huge mistake dropping my wand and now I'd have to go scrounging the floor for it.

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