Chapter 45: Let It Go

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*Alora POV*

I didn't know how long I sat on the floor for...... but the aching of my back against the hard wood door eventually won again my stubborn mind. 

At one point I did end up showering myself. Letting my tears fall from my face but the water would immediately keep washing them away, leaving no trace behind thankfully.

I wrapped myself up in a fluffy robe that hung on one of the hooks next to the sink since I literally didn't have anything else with me. I didn't even bother packing a bag or used a smaller bag with an extended charm to allow it to hold additional items. That would have been smart.

But I'm not..... I rushed into this....remember?

We were pardoned from dinner thankfully since Ominis convinced them that I was feeling ill when they came to the door.

Probably not the best thing to do on my first impression but I didn't care. This wasn't real anyway....

It wasn't real.... right?

It was just a game...... a stupid fucking game....

But that was hours ago, and I haven't heard a peep from the outside of the door.

I sighed heavily, knowing I had to face my actions when I opened the door. 

My eyes scanning the room till I found Ominis in one of the chairs next to the fireplace in front of the bed. He hadn't changed, he was still in his white button down with the sleeves rolled up. Deep in thought as his hands strolled through the pages of the book he was currently reading.

I pushed the door open wider, letting it creak which immediately caught his attention.

He's eyes looked up, grabbing his wand which started to blink. Immediately standing at the ready of me.

I stood a few slow steps forward, eyeing the food on a tray off to the side which looked like it had already been munched on.

"Hungry?" He asked, motioning to the other chair by the fire.

I felt my stomach growl, grasping it slightly.


He grinned, going back to his chair and sitting quietly.

There was a multitude of food on the tray from cheeses, grapes, meats, vegetables that I started to pick at slowly. Relishing in the taste of all the flavors that combined so well together.

Ominis just sat there quietly. Not even really paying attention to me other than his book.

When I was done, I sank back into the chair. Pulling the strings of the robe tighter around my torso to keep my shoulders from slipping.

"How was it?" He finally asked. Not looking up from his book.

"Delightful....... been quite some time since I've had a meal like that..."

He chuckled, "Glad my family's reputation could live up to its standards-..... for food, I mean...." He said softly, catching himself. 

My eyes gazed upon the fire, feeling the warmth of it flourish over my face. Letting the warmth start to dry my hair as the drips were falling on the robe. 

Ominis, in the corner of my eyes, pulled out the pocket watch. Hearing him click it open slowly, his fingers grazing over the top. The slow ticks were just faint enough to hear. 

He sighed, as his eyes looked up and found mine. 

"Sebastian gave me this....."

The dam wanted to burst again but I swallowed it down.

Prince In Darkness Sebastian SallowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora