Chapter 15: A Shores Relief

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*Alora POV*

It was cold, dark, an eerie drip as my body laid in a dark place. I looked around me, seeing absolutely nothing. Just blackness, the ripple of the floor below me as my tears hit it one by one.

I shot up quickly, in remembrance of this place. The same place in which I was underneath the imperious curse. Lost deep within my own mind.

"No... NO, NO! NO NO NO NO!!!!!! NOT AGAIN!"

My eyes searched around the darkness, looking for any light but there was absolutely nothing. I looked down at myself, noticing I was in just plain clothes. My wand was nowhere to be found as I patted myself down.

"OMINIS!!!!! SEBASTIAN!!!!! ANNE!!!!" I screamed into the dark.

My voice echoed off into the distance.

My chest started to feel tight as I gripped it, trying to gulp air into my lungs but it didn't help. It felt like someone was choking me, sitting on my chest as it became hard to breath.

The small black dots in my vision overwhelmed me as I dropped down onto one knee. Trying to calm myself as I rolled over onto my back, no longer being able to stand.

Looking up at the black ceiling in which my eyes started to wander, all a sudden was a bright white light. Opening into almost a large doorway in which showed the battlefield. Ominis face looking down on me, tears clouding his white orbs. He was reaching out to me, trying to hold me.

"I'll..... picture you on that beautiful beach, how the sun lit your face............making your eyes sparkle......."

I sniffled away the tears, reaching my hand out in front of me. Trying to grab him but missing him every single time.


I choked on my words, feeling my breath get taken from me.

"Goodbye......... my sweet girl......" He said softly.

His body was flung back, swirling in the dark green curse. Watching his body fall further away from me into nothing. Into darkness.



I awoke, hearing the deafening sound of my own screaming fill the room. I shot up too quickly, my heart thumping through my chest as the chill of my screams went right through me. Grabbing my wand at the ready as my hand clenched onto Sebastian's sweater.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay, it's okay! Its alri-"

Ominis was at my side within a second, magically just appearing.

"Om-" I breathed, as he grabbed my shoulders. Forcing me to face him, look at him.

"I'm here, I'm here and your safe. Breath................. just breath." He said slowly.

Sweat dripped down my face, the flush of relief swirl around me as I looked into his white orbs. He was here, really here as I gripped him. Letting go of Sebastians sweater and my wand, hearing it hit the floor.

I felt weak, lightheaded. My dream of him dying rushing all back to me in a moment.

"Oh Omi- I-"

"Shhhhh. It's okay." He cooed, shushing me softly as his cold hand went to place hair behind my ear. His thumb brushing away a tear that I hadn't known had fallen.

I felt my knees go, my body slumping into him as he caught me. My face going to his shirt as he started to rub my back, my voice choking on sobs as the dream replayed in my head over and over.

Prince In Darkness Sebastian SallowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora