Chapter 23: Headmasters Office

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*Alora POV*

Just as Garreth instructed, I turned the dials the numerous amounts of times that was needed to go back to the correct moment.

Unfortunately, with it being multiple days ago, it took quite a few of turns, watching the hourglass spin and flip.

Once it had reached its peak, the world around us went quiet. Almost like a hummingbird was right in our ear as the world shifted second after second, hour by hour. Occasionally noticing Deek's figure turning and running in the room at lightning speed.

The day above us switched to night, the moon rising then falling within seconds. Time was turning backwards quicker than I had expected and soon enough........... the time turner had stopped. Going back into its upright position. The small particles in the sand now at the top instead of the bottom.

I sighed, feeling my hands shake as I slipped the chain over our heads, putting it back in my pocket.

"Well..... we are here." I said.

"Our last day at Hogwarts?" Ominis asked, his eyes searching around the room, looking for anything different.

"Our last day, come on. Let's go." I said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the door.

"Alora, wait- we don't even know where we are going!"

I stopped, right before opening the door to the entrance to the hallway.

"I do, if I'm correct, whoever sent the information must have gone to the headmaster's office or potentially the owlery. But I'm thinking since it got expedited so quickly it went through black's office first."

"How are we supposed to get past all of those students? We look like complete outsiders wearing this!" Ominis said, pointing to himself.

I thought quickly, grabbing my wand out from my pocket and conjuring us both our house robes that laid over our current clothes.

Ominis felt around himself, feeling the fabric as his hands went where the Slytherin patch.

"How did you-"

I smirked, "This is where you say, I'm sorry and I'll never lose faith in my loyal and reliable Hufflepuff."

Ominis rolled his eyes at me, "Oh Merlin........Okay, okay. Your right."

I sighed, "Regardless Ominis, we shouldn't be seen. This is a precaution, so if you notice anything please do whatever you need, okay? Especially if we run into our future self's, we can not risk it."

He took in a shaky breath, his nerves clearly getting the better of him.

"We got this, Ominis."


We opened the door, our heads peeking out to make sure no one would see us.

When the coast was clear, I tugged on Ominis arm, pulling him with me down the hallway.

"Okay I think we are good, I think most of the students have gone back to the dormitories by now to pack so hopefully we shouldn't run into anyone."

We edged our way the stairs, cross the many hallways till we reached a floo powder station.

"Off on another adventure, are w-"

"Oh fucking shut up, take us to the trophy room."

Her face scrunched up, her eyes motioning for us to take the powder.

I grabbed a handful, grabbing Ominis close to me so he wouldn't have to do the same. Throwing the powder in quickly, we engulfed in green flames. It was always easier to just close my eyes so I wouldn't feel the change as much.

Prince In Darkness Sebastian SallowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora