Chapter 34: Alcohol Healing

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*Alora POV*

The bottle was passed back and forth numerous times, each taking our time as the earth just seemed to melt away. I closed my eyes time after time wanting to drift off but Ominis immediate coughing after each swig kept me awake. 

I laid my head back on the stone bench, my eyes feasting on the millions of stars. 

And it made me think...... at night, did he see the same stars?

Was he awake looking up, wishing upon the many stars? 

Or was he asleep........ shivering, cold, miserable.............. stop.

I pinched my eyes shut.

"What are you thinking about?" Ominis asked barely in a whisper. 

If he had been any quieter I might have missed it. 

I turned over, noticing he hadn't moved much from his spot. His white orbs still looking up. 

My hesitation keeping me quiet.

He sighed deeply, "You can talk to me, you know." 

He knew, he always knew. I remembered a time where I didn't have to hide who I was with Ominis. But it's been too long, too much time has passed. Could I really open up to someone who I'd tried to forget?

"Hm, ...... like old times."

"If that's what you want, then yes." He said softly. 

I let my breath go, turning back towards the sky. Grabbing the bottle that sat in the middle of us. Taking another swig of the sticky and burning liquid. 

"I don't-.... even know how."

He chuckled, "What? Have a conversation? I'm not asking you to tell me everything, I just asked what you were thinking about."

I sighed, "Even then, ....... it's too hard. My thoughts are...... not for the kindhearted."

"Not saying I'm weak are you-"

I rolled my eyes, "Of course not Ominis. Just-............. sometimes..... it's too hard to put into words."

"You want to know what I think?" He asked. 

"Oh boy-"

"Come on, hear me out. I think............ I truly think, your mind just always goes back to the harsh things and that's why it's never easy to talk about." He said. Grabbing the bottle and taking another swig. 

"Well obviously Ominis, doesn't take a genius-"

"I also think the WORD, Sebastian, is taboo for you and that's why you don't want to talk about him!" He laughed, clearly feeling the effects of the alcohol. 

"Let's just say for arguments sake your right, then what? Is there really anything else to talk about?" I asked shyly. 

Ominis eyes widened, taking his time sitting up. 

"Alora of course there is! I mean, where the hell have you been the last few years anyway. Let's start there."

"I see you are still as nosy as ever-"

"Were drinking Alora, just answer the damn question."

I rolled my eyes, shifting some hair out of my eyes. 

"Fine.......... Fine. Well, I-........... well, you already know, spent years tracking down her-"

"Okay, your right I DON'T want to bring that up, what about before that."

I focused on the stars, trying to remember but even then, it was still blurry. That last year at Hogwarts flew by. I don't even remember it really............

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