chapter 13: worries and suspicions

Start from the beginning

After another hour of moping around and doing absolutely nothing, I decided that nothing good was actually going to come out of this day so I made myself comfier on my bed and lent my head against the backboard, closing my eyes. I let my mind wonder on its on for a while, trying to relax myself in a hope I would fall asleep. No luck. I opened my eyes again and stared blankly out of the window, the sight of trees and a perfectly blue sky making me crack a small smile. I suddenly had the urge to go outside and enjoy the nice weather. Even though I had no clue as to where I could go, I pulled on my pink lace jacket, white converse and went downstairs. I unlocked the front door and was about to open it until a sudden realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.

He’s still out there.

I suddenly started freaking out. Not only was he after me, he’s also after Niall! Niall, being in a world famous boy band, would be so much easier to track down than I would! I quickly whipped out my phone and dialled the all too familiar number. I know he’s at rehearsal but I needed to warn him! Niall Horan is not getting hurt, not on my account!

The phone rang four times before he finally picked up.

“Abi? What’s wrong?” he asked quietly, obviously not wanting the other boys to hear our convocation. “Niall, he’s still out there, my dad, he’s still out there” I stuttered, not really sure how to explain this. “I know Abi, why are you sounding so freaked out?” he asked, worry evident in his voice. “He’s not just after me, remember? He wants you too! Please promise me you won’t go outside on your own while he’s still about!” I said. I know, I sounded like a mother! “I won’t love, I promise. If I’m not with the boys, I have you” he replied, I could almost picture him giving me a reassuring smile. Hearing him say that, pretty much made my heart melt! He was so adorable!

Niall had managed to convince me that he would be safe; he also told me he was going to pick me up on his way home from rehearsals, which, brought a glimmer of hope to me actually doing something productive today! He said he would come and get me at around six-ish, the current time is half four. I still have one and a half hours..hashtag sadface! Deciding to do something useful with this time, I rolled out of bed, got out my overnight suitcase from the attic and filled it with all the essentials such as spare clothes, clean underwear, toiletries and makeup. After I had done all of this, I did a quick time check. I looked over to the clock which projected the time onto the wall, the orange glowing letters displaying: 5:15pm. I then decided that this would leave me with enough time to take a shower and change my outfit.

After showing/acting as if I was performing to thousands of people at Wembley arena, I dried my hair and got dressed into my purple/blue oversized cable knit sweatshirt and black disco pants. I applied some makeup before taking my overnight downstairs and situating it by the door. I looked at the time on my phone which was now reading two minutes to six. Finally, Niall would be here soon!

I sat on the bottom of the stairs and put on my brown Ugg boots and after that going through my facebook and twitter feeds one last time before Niall got here. Soon enough, there was a knock at the door. I leapt up and rushed over to open it. A huge smile appeared on my face as I opened the door to reveal an equally as smiley Irishman. “hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” I beamed as I let him in. “hellooo” Niall said back as he stepped inside. “you ready to go?” he asked. I nodded as I picked up my bag. “BYYYEEEEE” I shouted down the hallway. No one acknowledged me back. Typical. I rolled my eyes as I excited the house behind Niall. Hopefully, he wouldn’t question the lack of communication within my household. We got into Niall’s sleek black range rover and began the journey to his apartment. It was quiet at first, luckily, he didn’t bother questioning me on my bizarre family. Knowing all too well that the only way to cure car silence was to turn on the radio, which was exactly what I did! After that, we spent the whole journey singing alone to various songs that were being played on the radio.

“you have an amazing voice” Niall told me as we pulled up into the complex parking area. I smiled at him before muttering a quiet “thank you” to him. I was never any good at taking compliments, mainly because I hardly got them. I got my bag out from the boot of Niall’s car before following him into the building and up to his apartment. From what I remembered, Niall and Harry’s apartments were both on the third floor while Louis’ was on the second floor and Liam and Zayn’s were on the fourth floor.  

After we had got into Niall’s apartment, he took my bag into his spare room before returning to sort out what we would be doing food-wise tonight. What? We both love food!

-Niall’s POV-

I couldn’t help but think that there’s something slightly off with Abi’s family. Even though I knew it had nothing to do with me, there’s definitely something going on! Firstly, her dad tries to kill her for no reason at all, and now it’s as if whoever she lives at home with doesn’t exactly pay that much attention to her! I really need to find out what the hell’s going on…  

A/N: helloooooooo :) sorry its been like forever since I last updated! I've been so busy lately and I haven't had much time at all to write! but no I have uploaded so I hope you enjoy this chapter! also, what do you think is going on with Abi's family?! comment below! onto reality now though, did you guys hear about what happened at Greg Horan's wedding?! those stupid kids decided to go and crash it, just because Niall was there! grr! and, apparently, Niall sat in a toilet somewhere and cried because he thought it was his fault that the wedding got ruined! THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! if anyone who crashed the wedding is reading this right now..WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKINHG?!!!!!!! anyway, on a nicer note, this time next week I will be on my way to London for One Direction!!!!! SNBFKJDSBGODS;F;!!!! anyway, that's about it! don't forget to comment, vote and share  :) love y'all, byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

-becca xxx


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