Chapter Twelve: The Article

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Author's Note:

It's been a while! I'm so sorry for not updating for forever, but I was housing my friend for a week and a half. I hope you enjoy!

PS: This is back in (y/n)'s POV.


You pulled away from Draco. Your boyfriend. That was going to take some time to get used to saying.

Draco grinned at you before saying, "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere."

"Not planning on it," you replied, grinning widely at your boyfriend. Draco was your boyfriend. Woah.

Draco kissed your cheek before running upstairs to his room. You touched your cheek softly with your hand. His touch always made you feel butterflies dancing around in your stomach.

To pass the time, you flopped onto the couch, looking through the scattered pile of newspapers for the most recent edition. Draco had a subscription to the Daily Prophet, and you usually read them, too. A habit you had gotten by being around Draco so much.

When you finally found the what you were looking for and read the headline, you nearly fell off the couch. Why hadn't Draco told you?

You started to read the article, feeling your concern for Draco grow each minute that passed.

On the second page was a picture of the madman himself. Lucius had turned himself in, practically singing the praises of Voldemort himself, even after his death. It was sickening.

The picture showed Lucius straining against his chains, fighting to get to the camera man, with no success. His madness gleamed in his silver eyes, which while they looked like Draco's, didn't hold the same depth to them. Lucius' eyes were shallow and dull; the eyes of a killer. His long white blonde hair was the same silken colour as Draco's, but it was matted with dirt and grime. His sharp facial features were twisted into a cruel look of hatred, a look that you knew would never show on Draco's face. Although Draco might seem cruel, he did hold a certain respect for others. He also had restraint, something Lucius obviously did not have.

Just the thought of Draco made you blush. He was your boyfriend. Boyfriend. It was still hard to believe.

You were unsure of what your friends would think, if you were going to tell them at all. The three of you had always hated Draco with a passion, and mostly thought he was with Pansy anyway.

Come to think of it, you hadn't seen Pansy at all since the train. You would've though that since you were sharing a common room with Draco, her crush, she would have at least stopped by once. She couldn't have gotten over him that fast. You knew that Draco would be pretty hard to get over.

The thing that scared you though, was Pansy's ambition. She would stop at nothing to get what she wanted, a common Slytherin trait.

You knew exactly what she wanted, and that's what scared you. Pansy wanted Draco. If she found out that you two were a couple, you were as good as dead. The thought made you shudder. You still remember what she did to you in third year...

You started reading over the rest of the newspaper, hoping to find something interesting that would take your mind off of the she-devil.

A few pages after the article on Lucius' trail, you found one on Draco. Apparently, he was to be questioned later as well. Why didn't he tell you? You had only been in a relationship for five minutes, and he was already keeping secrets?

You did feel bad for him, though. You couldn't even imagine going through all that he's been through, with his rotten upbringing, constant pressure to be perfect, being forced into the life of a Death Eater, forced to watch innocents die almost every day, and seeing your dad morph into a brutal murderer. You couldn't believe someone could live through all of that with virtually no scars.

As you read through the rest of the article which talked about Draco's history as a Death Eater, his father, his mother, his family name, you started to feel even more bad for him. He had a messed-up life set in place before he was even born.

Glancing at his picture, you couldn't help but admire his looks. Sure, that wasn't the main reason you liked him, but it was definitely a bonus.

Even in the picture, which strangely resembled a mugshot, you could see his defined cheekbones and jaw. His piercing blue-silver eyes started straight through you, as if he were actually there in front of you. His hair was messy in a tousled, sexy way. Yes, you could call him sexy now that he was your boyfriend.

For a few more minutes, you just stared at his picture like some crazy stalker. You couldn't help it, he was hot and he was also taking forever to change. You had thought it took guys less time to change than girls, but apparently not.

After a couple minutes of obsessive staring, you turned back to Lucius' picture to compare the two. Although, they had the same features, they were completely different.

You were so absorbed with your comparison, you didn't hear the person behind you before it was too late.

"(y/n), what are you doing?"


Author's Note:

Got some more shoutouts for amazing my readers! I love you all! 2k reads is so much more than I ever expected to get!! Thank all of you guys so much!!!


and two special shoutouts to:


for being awesome!!!

Please tell me if I missed you, or redid a shoutout! I haven't updated for a long time, so it's hard to keep track. I'm also sorry for taking so long to update, I hope you guys can forgive me.

Love you all!!!

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