Chapter Four: Professor Toll

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Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating for so long!

Hope you enjoy. Please review!


The next day, you joined Daphne and Tracey at the Slytherin table for breakfast. As you filled up your plate with food, Daphne and Tracey informed you about the feast the night before. They said that Slytherin had gotten 23 first years, Gryffindor had gotten 31, Ravenclaw had gotten 19, and Hufflepuff had gotten 30.

While Daphne was talking very animatedly about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, you were eavesdropping on Malfoy's conversation with Zabini and Nott.

"...she's such a bitch! She keeps trying to ask me about my feelings and such. And she hogged the bathroom for half an hour this morning!" Draco complained. You hadn't hogged the bathroom for half an hour! It was more like ten minutes. But, Malfoy had the patience of a... well, Malfoy. Plus, you hadn't been prying into his feelings! You were just wondering why he was so angry.

"I'm sorry, mate," you overheard Zabini saying. "You can always room with us for a night or two."

"Thanks, Zabini," Draco replied, turning back to his food. He must've been pretty hungry since he refused the food you made him last night.

"Well, Draco, at least she's hot," Nott suddenly said. As you turned your head back to your plate blushing, you saw Malfoy whip his head around in surprise.

"What?!" he cried.

"Well, she isn't the ugliest person on the planet. And, you two are sharing a dorm..." Theo trailed off, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Malfoy smirked. "Nott, if you had half a brain, you'd realize she isn't exactly the type of person you'd want to shag with. I'll stick to Pansy and her friends, thank you very much."

Now you were really blushing and wanting to gag as well. Pansy? Really? She looked like a pug that had been run over by a car. Not to mention her personality: she was as dumb as a doorknob.

You tuned back into Daphne and Tracey's conversation, not really wanting to hear what was said next on the other side of the Slytherin table.


"Alright class, I am Professor Toll. I am the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Professor Toll wrote his name on the blackboard in big letters.

"Okay, here are the rules for my classroom. Number one! No talking otherwise you will serve detention for a day, number two..." The new professor started to list off his rules. You began to get out your paper and pencil.

After going over the rules, Toll immediately dove into the subject of vampires. You carefully took notes, you didn't want to get behind on the first day of school. Professor Toll turned to write something else on the board.

While Professor Toll had his back turned, Malfoy whispered to you. "Psssst, (y/n)! Can I copy your notes?"

"No! Shove off, Malfoy! You should have been listening!" you whispered, slightly more loudly than you should have.

Professor Toll turned around. "Mr. Malfoy, Ms. (l/n), I feel I have stated my rules very carefully. To serve as an example to the others, you will be serving detention this afternoon for talking. Now, as I was saying..." He glared at the both of you. You felt your face turning red. How dare Malfoy embarrass you in front of another teacher like that!


Once class had come to an end, you stayed behind for detention, given that DADA was your last class of the day. Malfoy stayed too, with his usual annoying smirk on his face.

"Good luck!" Daphne told you as she and Tracey left, the two of them smiling encouragingly, pity painted on their features.

Great. Now it was just you and Malfoy.


Author's Note:

BTW: Happy Mother's Day!!!

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