Chapter 16: Time to Dine

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Hearing that statement made my blood rush. What the hell were we just about to do? A kiss? That too in front of kath.

What is wrong with me? I had to get my shit together.

I pushed Caden away a little hard, to have some impact after all he is a good built man for someone like me to pushover.

When he heard he was a little disappointed with the timing but when he looked towards the direction from where the voice came he looked a little angry.

I looked at the person. She was a pretty young women, probably a little younger than me. She has beautiful eyes. I was amazed that someone can be that pretty.

When I looked closer I see that there is some similarity between her and Caden. Is there by any chance a possibility that she is his sister. While I was wondering I felt someone crushing my bones off. Then I realised it's her who gave me a bone crushing hug.

I'm glad Caden took kath in his arms by then otherwise I'm sure one of us would have gotten hurt.

"That's enough Iris, she can't breath." Caden said with co cern in his eyes.

"Yeah yeah fine" she said, rolling her eyes at him

"Hi I'm Iris, I know my little brother wouldn't have introduced me so here I am, first one to be known among the clan."

"I'm not your little brother. I'm elder than you." He whined like a baby.

"Well, but you always whine like a baby so it's better that way."

I giggled at her response. She was nice and cool. Caden looked at me that I'm getting used to this environment and he smiled. He was happy that I'm happy.

"Well clan? What is that supposed to mean?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Well we are five in total, I'll i produce you to the rest in the dining room if you are done with your private activity." She said and I blushed just at the thought of what was happening a while ago before we were being interrupted.

We walked down the hallway till the dinning room. The place was huge and it's difficult to keep a track of the sides and I guess I might be needing help to get back to our room as we have walked way too far now.

Finally I see a room which is just as nice decorated like the other rooms. I must say they might have had the house like those rich people but they have made the interior homely, so no one would get the feeling of living in a five star hotel instead of a house.

The moment I entered I saw two boys buttering the bread, an old but yet handsome whom I guess to be cadens father is making tea, an elderly women who has the same features as those of Iris and same hair colour as Caden, I think that's his mom. She must be old by now but hasn't got wrinkles yet.

I'll ask her later about the cream she uses to keep those wrinkles off her face.

There was one more boy in the room he seemed to be a little technical kind of a guy, but he looked pretty handsome. The moment I thought that Caden wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him as if I'm going away. That too in front of so many people.

I tried moving out but in no vain. When I glared at him, that didn't impact him instead he gave me a bored look as if I'm a kid who has to listen to him

The hell I will be listening to him. Not to forget what he has done to me.

"Leave me." I hissed him

"Why? You look good by my side." He was smiling like an idiot towards me.

"Can't you see so many people are there, atleast have some manners."

"Look, dhe only time I keep my manners is when I'm at work, otherwise..." He trailed off.

I really feel embarrassed at times when he speaks so shamelessly.

"Who is this beautiful little girl you have brought home Caden." I heard the elderly one speak.

"Mom meet Suzane, she is my mate and Suzane she is my mom, lily." I smiled at her, when she came over to me to give me a hug. I felt nice and warmth with that hug.

Probably it's been a while since I have recieved this motherly treatment.

"Hey glad to know you Suzane." It's cadens dad that came next in the row. He took hugged me. I felt happy for some reason.

"He is my dad, James." Said Caden, I nodded.

"And who is this little gems here you got? She is so cute." Said lily taking Kathrine from Cadens arms and swirling around with her. Kath was smiling and having a nice time.

"She is my daughter, Katherine." The look on the boys and iris made me nervous for some reason. There was awkward silence until Caden coughed and everyone was acting normally again.

"I'm sorry Suzane, it's just that you are so young and I didn't expect you to have a kid at such a young age." Lily spoke and I nodded understanding her.

I know what she means by that.

"And here goes out clan of babies, starting with the second you best people of our family who are Theo and cole. They are the most funniest people you will ever come across. If you ever feel sad you just need them by your side as they really can bring you mood up."
Said Iris with all excitement in her eyes

I heard a grunt coming from Caden, he was giving a look which was hard to guess but...

"It's alright, he's just jealous about not getting the credit of uplifting your mood. Calm yourself boy anyways she is yours." Iris said and for some reason I didn't like the fact of being treated as one of his.

I didn't say anything just continued listening for the time being. I saw Caden looking at me, bug not saying anything. I think he understood what I was thinking after what Iris just said. He looked away and at Katherine.

I looked at theo and cole, they seemed fun and cool to be friends with.

"Continuing with Marcus the second youngest of the family. He is a quite person but good in fighting skills. He is understanding to sum it up all and then comes Caden who is your mate and also the eldest of the family, and I'm the baby princess of this family. The youngest and cutest of all" she huffed and puffed at the end. Ofc tired of all the intro part.

Theo was smiling at her.

"You seem confused whenever someone says you are mate of Caden. Do you know what it even means?" Asked Marcus

Honestly no, but what should I even say

"I... actually...I..don't have much idea..." I trailed off and then looked at Caden who too was looking at me.

"It's fine I'm sure Caden will explain you everything in detail later about the pack and warriors and all. Just have your breakfast darling." Said lily.

I raised my eyebrows at the term pack and warriors. What the hell is happening here? A war that I'm going to be a part of and slaughtered for the same. I looked alarm and towards Caden.

He looked like he understood my confusion and said he will explain everything to me once our breakfast was over and we were back in our rooms.

"Son, I feel you should spend the time with suzane and let her know you more and everything around her as it's very new and different from her world." Said James.

Honestly now everything seems to me sounding so I realistic that I have even stopped listening to them aster some point of time.

We are our breakfast with hazel a d lily telling me stories about the childhood incidents of all the brothers and sisters. It was fun listening to them after all it's a big loving family I must say.

We ate our breakfast and soon left for our rooms where I was eagerly waiting for Caden to come and explain me everything.

Hey guys!

This is my first work on wattpad. It would be really kind of you if you vote as it really gives a credit of appreciation to your writer!

Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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