Chapter 4: blindness speaks the truth

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Cadens P.O.V

It was late at night and also the sky seemed very beautiful to me. For some reason I was way more excited than I should be. Like nothing special happened today but still I was feeling something exciting was awaiting and I gonna get it soon.

I was yet to find my mate since I'm already 24yrs and not only the alpha of my 'Blue moon Pack', but king of alphas and a surprising point here. I'm a hybrid too!

Means I'm half a vampire and half werewolf. My dad is a werewolf and my mom is a vampire. So that's how I turned out to be like this. So was my brother.

I was in my room when someone hit a pillow on my head. I turned to see who the hell did that and definitely it can't be anyone else but him. Whom was I kidding!

"Hey biggie, let's go for a run. The night seems nice and also seems to call for us. What do you say?" Theo said my second youngest brother among all of us.

Ooh yeah! When I say all, there are more.

"You know, you could have avoided the pillow throw thing and just said it!" I made a dude face while stating the fact and placing the pillow where it was before.

"Then what's the fun boy!" Said Cole out of no where and threw another pillow at me which I caught but that was not the only one I was bombarded then with 5 more pillows. I gave up at them.

Theo, Cole, Marcus and Iry all came in together holding their stomachs and laughing.
The thing was the pillow they threw some of them got torn and the feathers got stuck to my face and some on my beard making me look like a chicken 🐔 At the moment. Or that's so what I thought 💭💭.

"Do you guys know, what a pain in the ass you all are?" I asked not surprised that I was a bit angry from the stunt they pulled.

"Yeah, we know. That's the reason we have you for our experiments of fun." Said marcus with a smile.

Marcus is the second eldest among all. He is fun to be with. He is matured enough to get what others feel and want to say. He respects people and their opinion and never judge them by their position and that's what people appreciate him for the most.

"Alright brother now it's time to be a normal being from a chicken. Right now you look so funny that even mother won't be able to recognise you." Said Iry while giggling.

"Is that so my little sister." I said with a smirk and then with a swift move I took her in my arms covering her totally with feathers all over her. Her face was worth to see as she didn't expect this.

"Aaahh aaah" everyone broke out to laugh so did I. She did look funny but cute aswell.

"What the hell cashew (a nickname to me from her). Why did you do it?" She said with alot of annoyance on her face.

She is cute when she is angry. She is the youngest among all and the love of all of our hearts. The most sweetest and funniest person. She is a soul smoothing. She loves to play and read more about plants.

Taking care of elders and looking after kids gives her happiness and we all appreciate that quality of her.

"Exactly my point, Irish coffee." After I said that again we all laughed since we all four brothers decided to give that name to her as it suits her too!

"Bad brother" she said and jerked off my arms. I smiled at her.

"Fine, let's go for a run then. It will be fun." I said and they all agreed and we all went to the woods areas that's mostly a part of the city but not entirely in the city area.

My other two brothers Cole and Theo they are too, fun to be with. They will make you smile when down, they will make you laugh when you cry and also bring tears when it's required. The last part was for our enemies ofc.

They both were born almost at the same time. It's just Cole came before Theo was delivered. So they are mutually almost same in all the basis. I love this dua birth thing a lot and they too are sweet and kind to people.

Our parents made one thing sure when they gave us training that you must be respectful towards others if you want the same. Otherwise never expect one if you can't give one.

We all shifted to our wolf forms and started for the run. I was a dark brown shade with golden sprinkles, a giant wolf overall since I was the alpha. Then came marcus who was pure white shade. Cole and Theo both were light brown colour and Iry was grey. It's one of the unique shade that we consider and Iry got that colour and it suits her too!

They all were not hybrid. It was only me and Marcus who inhabited this trait from our own parents.

We soon got mixed in the smell of the woods and between the trees. Marcus and Theo were having a competition it seemed whereas Iry, Cole and I were maintaing a speed not way too fast and not way too slow.

While running my heart started beating fast. I don't know why. I know I didn't find my mate but obviously I won't find her in the middle of the night that too also in the woods.

'you never know what does moon goddess wants. If she wants then, it can also be today.' said halter, my wolf.

He had a point. It is possible but still the possibility seemed quite less.

While running I was thinking and talking way too much with my mind that I didn't notice of me loosing the track of my run and I suddenly came out of the woods to the path area when I saw someone's car hit me on my shoulder and I spinned like a wheel and got hit by the tree.

I changed into my human form fear what if a human saw me like that and even though it didn't hurt much after all I'm the alpha but still I did get some cuts bruises which soon will heal on its own. I wanted to apologise to the person in front of whose car I came but before that I had a concussion I think and my eyes closed shut.

I could hear my brother's and sister howling for me and I could sense them as well as they were not very far. But I told them to be where they are as I can handle this and it's not a big of a deal.

Suddenly I heard a girls voice. At first I was thinking is it her or not but before I can think further she came close and asked me

"Hey are you alright?, Is everything okay with you?" She asked.

I answered by countering her with another question "who are you?"

Even though I wanted it to be soft and sweet but it came out as harsh voice.

"I'm Suzane and let me get the first-aid kit to treat that wound." She said and got up and starting doing her work.

I pulled her close to me by her shoulder to get her breath and that's what I wanted then, to take her, to make her mine. She was my mate.

'mate' I whispered.

My wolf was so happy that he was doing a victory dance with his tail up. I was happy too but sad since I can't take her like this as she is human and doesn't know anything about who we are and how we live.

'well we have to let her go for now, later we can come and take her with us by explaining everything from the starting to her.' halter told me and I agreed.

She persuaded me to come along with her but I didn't want to go now otherwise I wouldn't return for sure. So I let go off her and run into the woods where my siblings were waiting for me.

Hey guys!

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Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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