Chapter 2: When we collided

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Well even though the chapter of my life started I didn't tell you anything about me. We'll I'm Suzane Evans Frost. And I have a 1yr old baby girl whose name is Katherine and you'll soon meet her.

I completed my graduation from Cambridge University and the best thing about it is I did it entirely on scholarship so that my parents never have to worry about my financial part. At the end of the third year I started working in some organisation and by the end of the semester year I got a job in a recognised organisation which I'm currently working in "Smiths And William Industry"

I work as the secretory of the CEO but I also have this task to look over everything that's ongoing around in the office and that's what makes my work more of a hectic task.

Well there's more to my story which you will eventually get to know as you keep seeing my life. It was a total rollercoaster ride during my graduation and all. But now I have tried to maintain my life from the past being.

I messaged Hazel about the work we have on our heads till the absence of the boss in the office.

"Hey haze! Hope everything's fine. We have loads of work coming up this week as boss won't be here." I told her.

"Yeah! He just informed me too about his trip. It's gonna be tiring but we can chill on the last day." She responded
And the last line brought smile on my face.

"Yes we will. We have to infact." I responded back.
She then sent a smiley emoji to me.

We texted eachother goodnight and then bid our byes.

Hazel is a very chill dude type of a girl. Always tries to be carefree and never to take pressure on herself since she knows too well that it will not fetch her anything but headache which is the last thing one would want. Right?

I'm heading towards my car and finally I reached it. It seems it's only my car in the entire parking lot that is left except Mr. Smiths car, everybody has left for home. How lucky I am, I think at times.

But cribbing is also not a good habit as it will not fetch me anything, instead I should see it this way that I am also the most respected employee plus I get a high pay which lets me enjoy my life the way I wish too. And that's the most important thing in today's life and not to run around love life's. If it's there it will come to you itself.

I kept my handbag on the passengers side and then went to sit on the drivers side. I sat and brought the engine back to life and started driving towards my home.

While driving I was thinking that what my life was before Katherine came and how my life is after Katherine. She is the best gift that can happen to me but I'm actually ready to become a mother. I've no experience in this but it just came all of a sudden on me like a responsibility on the last year of my college when I was absolutely not ready for such thing.

Even though I had a choice to abort it to leave it but I tried to think it the other way round. How would it have been if I was neglected by my own parents too. What if they didn't want to conceive me because I was a mistake. And all this thoughts made me feel proud of myself that I made the correct choice to give a life to this baby girl even though I didn't knew her, but only felt her.

Like we say blessing always comes in disguise so was the case here. Katherine was a blessing to me. When she was born I got this job plus support and got to know who are actually true to me. Though it hurted at the beginning but slowly I adopted myself with all these things and got used to it.

Thinking about all these things so much that I didn't keep a track of the road I was driving in. It seemed that I crossed the main road and now I'm on the path that rarely people chooses to follow. It's the woods area. The path is not properly constructed. I was thinking to take a u-turn when I saw a board sign saying that construction is on going.

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