Chapter 3: our first meet

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The scenario was right in front of me and it was not a good scene.

A young man with his back on top side lying on the road. The worst part was not even this, his hand had a deep cut plus there was a small pool of blood here and there.

That scared me more and I wanted to run away from then and there but then I thought how can I leave a man in the middle of the road on an unknown street which I myself have no idea about.

I went near him and started calling out to him, then when I got no response I patted on his back still no response.

I turned him on my side with full energy in me. Trust me this guy must weigh tons, such a heavy piece Is not even available in the gyms now a days.

Anyways after turning him successfully I took a deep breath of relief since he didn't have any scratch marks on his face and he looked kind of good actually.
Generally good looking man prefers to have a no cuts and injury face and thankfully this was the case with him otherwise he wouldn't have left me.

But focusing on the main point he wasn't answering me nor was he opening his eyes.
Okay! Now this was a worry point to think about. There are no hospitals nearby atleast that I can take him too!

I went straight to my car and brought the water bottle out and sprinkled some on his face to wake him up.

After sometime his eyes blinked. I was happy about it that atleast this man is gonna live and I will live too peacefully without having the jail bars in front of me.

"Who are you?" Suddenly that strange man asked with a rough voice still his eyes were closed.

"I'm su---." Before I was about to say my full sentence he took me by my shoulder and brought me near his nose and started, sniffing me?

For a second I thought he was about to hit me coz of his sudden movements. Where am I stuck today. Ooh GOD! save me.

What! Why would anyone do that?
And what's with me today not able to complete my whole sentence. Anyways I pushed him hard but there was no impact on him like nothing I did worked.

'mate' he said.


He then moved away from me and what I saw next was something I don't know what. His eye colour changed, how? I have no clue!

For a second I blinked twice and then I again looked back. It must be that I am imagining things.They looked normal to me after the blinking. I think I was daydreaming right now.

He then finally let go of me seeing that I'm not liking the way he is holding me. I got up on my knees and went to my car. He was staring at me but I ignored that. I got the first-aid-kit out of my car and went to his side.

"So you said your name is su--, what?" He asked in a much softer tone than before.
I'm glad he isn't angry of that sort. Otherwise I might have a stern face but I might go weak from inside any moment at then.

"First you tell me Mr. What the hell are you doing here so late at night and that also you had to get hit by my car and most importantly why were you holding me like that?" I said it all out as if I'm getting my anger out.

I thought he too will shout at me for the matter of fact I shouldn't have said the part of getting hit by my car specifically, since it could have happened from anyone else.
But still, this is the scariest place with creepy creatures and here playing fun ain't the time.

I was putting some ointment on his wound when he abruptly looked at it and then at me and he gave me a warm smile.
For some unknown reason I felt good, but rubbed that off why the hell was he here and why and I mean why? In front of my car?

"So, where do I start---" he was saying when I cut him short.

" it's suzane by the way" I said with a curt. He smiled and then continued.

'suzane' he repeated after me. I don't know why he did that to know if he got it correct? Maybe!

"Yeah, that's right. It's Suzane. Continue with what you were saying." I told him and he did.

"Yes, so suzane what I was saying was, I was walking down the path and then suddenly I heard a car approaching and I thought I could ask for a drive but before that the car lost its balance and it hit me. So here I am right now." He said in a Low voice with a sign.

I felt bad that how come I can be this bad at driving and I clearly remember as how I was driving, slow and gently. But still this. That's amazing to know, you know.

I raised my eyebrow and asked him once I was done treating his bare wounds on his hands.

"What were you doing here? At this time of night?"

"Just what you were doing, I was also doing the same thing here." He said with an amused face.

'Unbelievable, this man is genius than you also zane.' Mini said laughing her ass off.

'seriously'. I mean I can't form words right now you know and here she is making fun of the situation.

"Excuse me!" I asked with sterness in my tone, probably he also noticed that I'm in no mood of jokes for the moment so better he gets straight to the point.

"I mean the other roads were blocked and this was the last and closest option and the other road would have taken hrs to me so I choose to walk down this alley as it was just 10min walking to my home." He said with genuity.

I believed but still who walks broh this is a freaking death zone to the zombies. Now that's what I have started to believe you know, after whatever I saw, heard and happened with me till now.

"Okay" I said and got up and when I was about to leave he held my wrist.
I didn't like that much so I jerked his hand asking 'what?'

"You didn't tell me where you live, so I can offer you a gift for helping me. Otherwise if it would have been someone else nobody would have helped me out." He said making each and every word specifically clear .

I was about to give away my address when I realised I don't even know this man and how can I just give away something this personal knowing I have kath at home to look after. I denied his request as this wasnt something I would have agreed to anyways.

"I'm sorry, but I don't need any gift from you. What I did I would say anyone with generosity in them would have done. So no need to thank me personally instead I can help you cross this way." I said humbly.

But to my surprise he denied it and said he will manage. I persuaded him for a while but he denied. I then said 'okay' and returned to my car.

While I drove off that place I was a little mesmerized by the situation. I looked at the back mirror and honestly what I saw was weirdly surprising to me more till now. He wasn't even there lying anymore. I mean it just took me a min to leave that place and he is gone.

I still don't know if it's a dream that I'm seeing and if that is so then I would love to get up right at this moment since I can't take it anymore.
I sped my car by pressing the accelerator at its fullest. As if I'm like in a crazy car race.

While driving I was still wondering how come his wounds were so less. The momentum with which he hit my car was quite alot and him got only small cuts. It's something weird about I must say. I'm not complaining, it's good he is fine but still how is that even possible.

I let go of the situation and finally reached the main road and now back to the city area. From here my home is now 10min away.

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Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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