Chapter 8: Taken Away

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I was so angry at that point of time nothing seemed right. I just walked and walked untill I decided to go to a friend's house. I decide visiting Elena my best friend won't be a bad idea right now.

I went straight forward her house and it was 10min distance walk from the place I was standing.

I reached her home. It's been a while since I last visiting her.

I knocked on her door and waited. The moment she opened she was surprised to see me, ofc she wouldn't be expecting me that too during office hrs.

" Hey baby! what's up? what are you doing here right now and this point of hour is everything alright? You need anything? Anything happened?" She bombarded me with her question, eyes filled with concern.

"I'm fine and nothing happened. Will you let me in first?" I asked with a sly smile.

"Ofc I won't let you in! When was the last time you checked on me?" She asked raising an eye brow at me.

" Well last time checked you were not single plus I didn't know you were already looking for a bf" I said with a wink.

"I'm single silly, now get in. We have loads to catch up on" She said, giving me space to enter.

After settling myself in the room I looked around. Well it was messy but what could I say. My friend was lazy.

"So what's up?" Elena asked

"There's this thing that has lately occupied me alot." I said.

"Ok! I'm listening, what's with you?" She said

"You know there's this man, whose name I cnt remember if I have asked also or not but he has been pestering me for a while and I don't know but I don't have a good feeling for this. With Kathrine and all the stuffs going on...." I broke off as I couldn't continue.

I was stressed, especially after the last encounter I had with him, recently.

I told her about the incident and I was waiting for her reaction, but she was silent.

One thing good about her is she might be one of those extro girlfriends others have but she is logical and understanding when it's a situation.

"Say something, el" I don't know what went wrong.

"Why didn't you go to the police" she said, I too thought of that by then I didn't know exactly what to say.

That I met him in the woods where I hit him with my car or that I heard him in the dark in the parking lot when the lights went out.

"Look I know it's troubling you but I feel if it's too much to handle you must go to the police." She said with finalty in her tone.

"Yeah, probably you are right." I said.

After that convo we decided to bing on some snacks and watch movies. My day went by. I also checked with grams about kath and she has been having her own fun time.

Well it was late when I left so I asked grams to put kath on her bed as I might be a little late.

It was around 10pm when I reached home. I went upstairs to open the door just to realise that it wasn't locked.

Well never has it happened that the door weren't locked or something. I guess grams forgot.

I went inside and saw that it was dark like really really dark. No lights were on and I was a little scared too since darkness scares me.

I tried looking for the switchboard, when I heard a voice from behind me and that was it to sent cold shivers down my spine.

"Miss me, young lady."

It was him.

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Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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