chapter 9: Pain

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I knew it was him. It had to be him. Who else could sound so cold other than him. The moment I encountered him at the shop I knew he was some kind of psychopath.

I turned to get the view of this man but the lights were off plus I wasn't able to get hold of the switch board.

He was near to the window pane. My heart was beating faster the moment he started coming closer. His intentions never seemed right but now he being in my house was way too much.

I should have called the police soon before coming home as this could have been avoided.

"Just so you know baby girl, I can hear your thoughts as they are so loud and clear." He said with a smirk, which was evident by now.

Even though no light but outlines of the body structure is still something right? Plus panic emotions one goes through in these situation.

"You know nothing!" I said, getting angry

"Ooh! Is that so baby girl, how about we both go to the cops and have a cup of tea with them. Probably those humans can still make an effort to find the culprit you want them too" he said with a smile and adjusting himself by the nearby sofa.

I was shocked. This couldn't possibly be happening. Everything seemed to unreal now.

"Well, what do you want mister since I don't wanna see you around me or near my house." I said trying to be calm but hell knew what a lie this was.

I was freaking, like hell.

"I would love to go out but..."


"I want you to come with me"

That's it, that's it. He said it all. What does he think he is. Coming at my place and ordering me to come home with him at his place that too. What did I look like to him?

"How dare you?" This time I exploded.

"Get out of my house before I call the cops". I said it all crystal clear.

"Alright let's see how far this game is gonna be played along." He said.

He stood up from the chair and starting walking towards me. That felt a little intimidating but the moment he came a little closer I was feeling nerves.

He was too close now. Almost hair line distance we had between us right now.

"W-wh--aat d-oo yo-u wan-t? I asked. Completely failing to sound confident whereas he turned me more nervous that I ended up stuttering.

"I already said, I want you baby girl." He said in his husky voice.

"But I don't want you." I said this time a little bit calmly.

He growed. Like literally growled.

I but my lips. This was getting scary and out of hands too.

I was scared now. He is scary.
My goodness, God knows where I am stuck up. This has to be some kind of dream.

I was enjoying my life nice and good and now this. Is this some kind of joke that one night everything changes. Everything seemed to real and nice and good and now it's all turned dark.

I had tears by now in my eyes. I was slowly sobbing as I couldn't take the heat anymore.

I stepped back a little just to realise that I hit the wall. Seems like my stars are not with me. Again he came closure this time and held me by my shoulder.

The moment he touched I felt something. Seems like it was different from all those other touches. It felt warm.

But this wasnt the time to think of all these I had to get him out of my house.

He lowly growled at me.

"You think you can throw me off the house this easily." He said more cold now.

"Well in your dreams baby since I'm gonna only move out of here by you either following me or you around my shoulder and me spanking that pretty ass of yours." He said and I flushed.

He was very raw with everything that he said. No filters in that mouth of his.

I tried pushing him but in no vain.

That rock solid body, god whom have I been kidding, if getting hit by a car can just give him a scratch what was I? A fly to him.

He smiled, I can see. I think he heard me, my thoughts I mean.

"Baby you need to calm down, and for sake of God just stop crying as it won't do any good to you or your heart so stop hurting it." He said

"Please, just let me be I want to be alone." I said between my sobs.

"I assume that's not going to happen." He said and I broke down then and there.

"Why me? Why not any other girl. There are so many. I might not be able to give you what you may want from me." I said while I was crying.

"I don't think any other girl can give me what you can. You are my mate, my love my life. I can't be with someone else when moon goddess choose me to be with be you." He said.

I was confused now.


"What's mate? And who is this moon goddess?" I asked

He signed.

"Well alot of explanation there since you are a human and I'm not." He said.

Well now this can't be more confusing than already what it has been.

"But you look like a human to me with all those muscles and human skin on." I said and he laughed.

What was that for now? Did I crack some joke or what?

"What?" I asked.

"Sorry, no one was that straight before" he said smiling.

Ding dong.

Someone was there at the door. I guess it was grams. She must have come to check up on me.

"Everything alright there haze baby?" Grams asked from the door.

Just what I thought.

"Yes grams everythings fine, I'll just get some sleep." I said and grams went too.

I can't believe I just didn't ask for that one help that came to me itself.

I looked up and saw him. I think he was smiling. Well my luck hasn't been on my side.

Hey guys!

This is my first work on Wattpad. It would be really kind of you if you vote as it really gives a credit of appreciation to your writer!

Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

FOREVER, TILL DEATH PARTS USTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang