Chapter 15: Overstepping the boundaries

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The moment I turned my face, I blushed after hearing what he said.

"You know, I wouldn't mind you staring at me. After all, if you don't stare who else will."

This man really had something in him to speak that way.

"Why dont you focus on your work." I snapped instead.

"You mean fixing my belt that is stuck." He smirked.

I eye gazed him and he did too. Even though he was usual with this attitude but I was like 'what the hell'.

"I think I'm done, and we can go and meet Katherine if only you too are done with staring me." He said, such a swollen headed person is he.

"I think we can keep going, unless you want to delay more." I said

"Fine, let's go"

When I stepped outside the room, the whole place seemed different. It was a nice house to start with but a big one. More like a bunglow I would say since it could easily fit in 10-15 people.

We descended upstairs and walked till the end of the corridor. The moment we reached the last door I knew it was her room. It had nice little art on it unlike the other doors there.

I couldn't hold myself and pushed open the door and stepped in just to see how retty the room of my child's is. It's even comfy than the one back there. Though I tried providing all I could to the baby but this was next level treatment she was getting and it seemed like she was enjoying quite the lot of royalty treatment.

I moved next to the bed where she was being layed after being changed. I picked her in my arms.

"Ooh, my baby, how is she doing." My smile again ce back. If anything my mood is kath is the only way to bring that smile back on.

My heart beats for this baby, she is my present and I am happy with this present moment.

"Aah ahh" Kathrine smiled and coed, she still has difficulty in speaking the words early bug surely she will mange.

I missed her head, forehead, nose, lips cheek and her hands, legs, stomach.

My baby was very soft and I loved tickling her too at times. Seems like she has been washed and creamed and powered before I came here.

The moment I turned around with kath in my arms I saw him staring at me intensely. As if asking me something.

"Is there something wrong Caden?"

"No nothing is, why do you ask?"

"Just like that..."

"I see, let's go and have some breakfast. I'm sure you both will be hungry."

"Yeah I am and kath too seems hungry."

He smiled and led the way to the dining hall. Why is everything over here so lavish and spacious. It just makes me think what does this and does for living to have such a luxury.

While we were on the way I had questions in mind and I needed them to be answered.

"What do you do for living?" I asked and he stopped abruptly.

He turned towards me and looked at me questioningly.

"Why you asking?"

"Well, obviously such a luxury doesn't come for free but at a cost. I wonder what kind of job you have to finance this place and people." I said

"I...ah...I...I know..ah...well...I do..." He was nervous, well that's something new.

"Why you nervous, mr? I thought it should have been easy pea for you."

"Well I run a business is all you have to know for now." He said in a flat tone of ending the discussion.

"What kind of discussion?" I persuaded further

"Why you so eager to know about me? I thought you weren't interested in me." He smiled and walked ahead of me.

Why he always does that with me.

"Well getting to know someone is t the same as trying to like someone. Okay?" I said it

"Who said anything about liking someone or not?" He smirked

"Well...." This bastard, he really knows the game of playing with words.

"I'm hungry, let's eat and then talk." I said and walked ahead, even though I didn't know where the kitchen was.

"Sure darling, as you say." I could feel him that this situation must be very amusing to him.

As we walked down the hall I saw very few people around. As if barely anyone stayed here. Though the house was big and all well decorated and maintained but if no body stayed in such a beauty then it's a loss...

The interiors were really nice, the designing seemed to have been done very thoughtfully. Not very flashy or old style but gentle and elegant touch at every corner of the room.

I was actually amazed by its beauty.

'I wish I had something like this someday for my daughter and myself.'

I thought in my mind.

'Its all yours baby, just some time and then it's all yours and you are mine.'

I heard a voice jn my head. Not sure exactly who was speaking bug from the words it seemed it was Caden. I turned back to look at him.

He was standing at some distance.

He wasnt walking along with us. He was just there a few cm away from us. He slowly walked down to us and covered the space that was left in between.

"Did you say something that I didn't hear?" I asked as I wasn't sure if it was me mishearing him or I was just daydreaming.

He didn't say anything. He just same even more closer. Now there was no space since Kathrine was right in my arms so he could easily complete the distance.

He held my waist from behind, pushed me closer to him. Now the only person that was holding us a breath away was kath and I'm glad she was there in between or goodness knows what would be happening now.

He slowly tilted kaths head and rested it on my shoulder. Then be slowly pinched my chin and forced me to look up at him.

His gaze was burning me down, and it was hard looking straight into a such a good looking and face.

I could see he was smiling, I don't know what is making him smile but he seemed satisfied.

Out of no where he crashed his lips into mine, making sure maths looking the other way and that he is also getting his own taste. I didn't let him give the entrance and as he always has been he grabbed my waist, harder, than before and kept me closer to him.

He kept his dominance, and explored everything in me. He didn't let me take control, as if he wanted all. I just let him be. He smiled and I could feel it through our touch.

We were soo close that I could feel everything of his, the heat and that thing that was poking my stomach.

I wasn't sure what it was untill I understood and was about to push him off when I heard someone.

"Are you guys done, or should we set the bed here and take the child away for some time or hours or probably a day?"

Hey guys!

This is my first work on wattpad. It would be really kind of you if you vote as it really gives a credit of appreciation to your writer!

Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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