Chapter:14 Over the reaction

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I woke up the next day with puffy red eyes and my head lying on someone's chest.

I was not really acquainted with my surroundings untill I realised that it was him on whom I was laying till now.

Well, fair enough. He consoled me throughout the night. I felt a little bad for my behaviour though. He was there for me when I needed someone next to me and then when suddenly realisation hits me of what exactly happened the other night and also with Kathrine what he did I just couldn't control myself.

I woke up with a jerk, which was a bad idea as it gave me a little dizzy head hit.

As I shifted he woke up to holding me back as if I would go away from him somewhere.

"What happened?" He asked

"A mistake happened and I'm trying to fix that for the same." I said and saw pain in his eyes.

"Look Suzane, I k ow what you are thinking but-..." White he completed I walked over to the restroom.

I heard him sign behind me.

I undressed myself and got under the shower. The warm water hitting my body made me relax, my muscles felt good and now it seemed all the problems were wearing off.

The moment I stepped out of the washroom with a new outfit that I found on the hook of the bathroom door I saw him stare at me and me too.

As if some stare competition was ongoing between us.

"You look pretty suzane." He complimented me. I felt happy actually for some reason. Probably because no one praised me for my looks or anything.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"Caden can you please let me see my daughter. Its been over a night I haven't seen her and I'm still here. I really wanna see her." I pleaded with my eyes and he seemed to melt in those as he said

"Alright, you can spend time with her but there is something that you too need to agree with."

"Alright, what that is you want me to follow now?" I asked with a frown

"Stay" he whispered

"Please" he begged, that was literally in his voice

I couldn't say no, after all I could sleep peacefully after all these nights and pain I've been through and the ups and downs that never let me mind be at peace plus the work stress.

"Fine, but I get to keep Kathrine with me then." I said with finalty in my time.

He guessed the too so he too didn't argue. I guess he understands what a mother's love is.

"Fine with me if you are ready to stay her." Is a he said and then went to the bathroom from where I just stepped out.

He slowly took his shirt off and threw it on the chair. Then slowly took his pants off and till now my eyes weren't off from him. He slowly took those boxers and my goodness if I say I wasn't amazed.

He had perfect hips for the same of God. Even mine were t that perfect. Shit I felt like touching them.

"They are all yours baby, but I guess you need to go and see your baby." When he said that I was red. All red like tomato.

I couldn't bear to look him straight. I just did the most shameful thing I believe. Look at someone when they are changing.

"I...I...I was thinking..that the....way for Katherine'" I said stammering all the way through the sentence.

"Alright sweetheart. Let me take a quick shower and then we both will go to see her."

"Okay" I said and laid on the bed.

Waiting for him to finish his shower

He takes a good time when he is in shower. Even I was quicker than him.

"Don't glatter yourself girl, you too soon will be spending hours in shower." He said from the bathroom.

"What is that supposed to mean." Is all I could ask as this was very embarrassing.

"Smart girls don't need explaining." He said mocking me.

"Well great then, go ahead with your stupid jokes in that case." I said huffing.

He came out from the showroom after almost 45min. Which is my shampoo time including.

When he stepped out of the bathroom he looked aaw. Just wow. Perfects abs, flat stomach, rolled down to the v line. Everything in his body was perfect. Everything.

Suddenly dirty thoughts covered my mind and I couldn't remove it from my mind.

I was having dirty thoughts with him in bathroom now.

When I looked back at him he was smirking at me as if teasing me to think such things is fun and enjoyable.

I looked away since anyways he was going to change.

Hey guys!

This is my first work on wattpad. It would be really kind of you if you vote as it really gives a credit of appreciation to your writer!

Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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