Feather Plucking

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Adder is no stranger to taking care of the sick

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Adder is no stranger to taking care of the sick. Helia was his caretaker, yes, but she was also often his patient. He dedicated many days of his youth to taking care of her. He'd make her tea, help her out of bed, brew her medicine: Adder did anything necessary to care for her, and did it with a smile.

It never felt like work. How could it be when it was his mother? She was the one who protected him from the worst of Sheppard's wrath, the one who held him close when all others shied away, the one who did her best to understand his strange and inhuman ways. When her body rebelled, Adder's assistance was the least he could do to pay her back.

Now though, now he's wondering what it was all for. He can't bring himself to regret taking care of Helia, nor does he wish someone else had taken her role, but his memories of her remain tainted nonetheless. How can he look back fondly on their time together now that everything has changed?

Adder attempts to put it out of his mind, but it keeps ringing in his head like the sick toll of church bells. He doesn't want to remember the way she cried as he banished her from his home. What right did she have to sound like that, what right did she have to cry when she kept her only son in the dark for his entire life?

No, Adder does his best to keep his mind occupied with other things. Even if the familiar routine of caretaking is causing the haunting memories to resurface over and over.

"Is it that hard?"

Adder looks up from the mortar and pestle. Zarek is grinning dopily, drugged up from the multitude of herbal painkillers coursing through his system. "Well?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"You look like that leaf is torturing you."

Adder peers down into the bowl, studying the half crushed herb. "It's not hard. I was just thinking of something else."

"Of your man? He'll be home soon, snake."

"No Zarek. I'm not worried about Eben, he's just getting more supplies for you. We're running low on poppy seeds."

"Now why did he do that? It's bad enough I've been in your hair for nearly a week, now you're running errands for me? Anyway, I don't do that opium—it'll screw your head on wrong, I'll tell you that. I like a little spice clover, though."

"Zarek, we've been giving you poppy tea nearly every hour. Your injury is extensive."

"I don't need it! This hot waterskin is working divinely."

"That's Merlyn, not a waterskin."

Zarek looks down. Merlyn is on top of him, stealing his feverish body heat. "I've been turned into a nest! Scoundrel!" Despite his protests, Zarek pets her head, ruffling auburn hair.

Adder smiles. "Do you want something to eat?"

"I could go for something sweet, if you're offering. What do you think, little chick? Do you want sweets?"

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