First Flights

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The ride back from Nǣdre Tor is quiet

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The ride back from Nǣdre Tor is quiet. Even Merlyn, who usually loves to babble or sing nonsense, is silent. She tucks her face into the crook of Eben's shoulder, her big wet eyes contemplating the clear blue sky above them. She watches chickadee's flit about, listening to their warning calls ring out in the afternoon air; chicka-dee-dee-dee! Chicka-dee-dee-dee! Adder is listening too. He's been too afraid to say anything since Eben's returned with the cart. So even though they are nearly to their home, nobody has spoken a peep. Luckily, Eben finally breaks the silence.

"Adder, you were right..."

Adder blinks in surprise. This is far from what he expected. "You're not mad about what happened?"

"No. I knew things could go south. I just thought—I thought I could integrate her with human society. But I talked to Helia, and she was right; I was just projecting my desires onto Merlyn. I let my stupid ideas hurt you both again. We're monsters, real monsters. I need to accept that."

"You...wanted Merlyn to integrate with humans?"

"I wanted her to stay here. With us," Eben whispers.

Adder feels his face warm. "I—I want that too. But we can't, Eben. The villagers would never permit her after today."

"I know."

They're both silent for a moment, letting the heavy words hang in the air. Adder looks to Merlyn, who is still watching birds acrobatically maneuver in the air. Her wing's tremble, like she's eager to join them.

"We need to teach Merlyn how to fly."

Eben looks stricken, but nods solemnly.


In the coming weeks, they try to prepare Merlyn. However, things are unfortunately slow going. Although Merlyn shows much interest in flying, she much prefers for Eben to do all the work with magic. When they try to get her to try without it, well, they get tantrums. Ear-piercing, wailing, tantrums. Right now, they're suffering through an especially horrible one. They're in grassy outcropping near their home, the area cleared of obstacles for the lesson. Merlyn is crying, having tossed herself to the ground once again after Eben had tried to force her into a running start.

"I think she needs a break," Adder yells over the screeching.

"She's had four breaks, a nap, and several snacks! She needs to get this, Adder!"

Merlyn screams louder, running to Adder with wings outstretched. She hugs Adder and with tears streaming down her face, looks up at him with an especially pathetic expression.

"Oh, Merlyn, it's okay," Adder coos, brushing her hair away from her face.

"Adder, for the gods sake, stop coddling her!'

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