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Adder's body is delicately in tune with the changing of the seasons

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Adder's body is delicately in tune with the changing of the seasons. Even if nobody else notices it, he can sense the gentle thaw of ice and snow. As winter finally lets up its harsh grip on the land, and his body awakens in turn: the color starts returning to his cheeks, the dullness of his eyes starts to fade, and, of course, he starts to shed. It's a painless, if itchy, process. However, it's the one and only monstrous trait Eben has a hard time with...

So of course, Adder has to torment him with it.

"Adder! Just pull it off already!" Eben begs, nose scrunched up in disgust.

Adder is at the table, enjoying his afternoon tea. He takes a sip, ignoring the small bit of dead skin under his right eye. "I want to pull it off in one big piece. It's more satisfying."

"Augh, Adder, that's disgusting!"

Adder laughs, snorting into his cup. "Should I take my tea in my room if you find me so repulsive?"

"No, I just—you know I don't deal well with the—the molting. It reminds me of when I saw a bastard get his face flayed by an unlucky swing," Eben shivers.

"Okay, I'll take it off," Adder agrees, reaching up.

"Wait no—"

The gorgon pulls on the bit of dead skin. It comes off in one big strip, much to the horror of the half-elf. Merlyn laughs, spilling her drink as Eben covers his mouth with an overdramatic display of disgust.


Eben scowls, setting down his spoon. "We are going to the river today. You will exfoliate from head to tail."

"Wha—but it's not as fun to scrub it off!"

"It's also not fun to watch you pull your face off!"

Merlyn laughs louder at their squabbling, flapping her wings. The action sends fluffy white feathers flying through the air. The half-elf scowls harder as one of them floats down and onto his slice of bread.

"See, I'm not the only one," says Adder.

"Both of you are going to the river. It should be warm enough by now..."

"Alright alright, we'll go, okay? Let me finish my breakfast, you gnome."

Eben huffs, pushing his food away to bite into an apple instead. Adder eats his meal quickly, helping Merlyn with hers before he starts preparing for the short journey. In a wicker basket, he packs the necessities; soap, some rags, an ivory comb, and a soft-bristled brush.

"You ready to go?" He asks.

Eben stacks the bowls and picks up Merlyn. "Yes, let's go."

The three monsters head toward the river together. Adder enjoys studying the newly-green landscape as they go; wildflowers dance in the warm wind, dotting the sides of the path with cheerful pops of color. Merlyn makes it her mission to gather one of every variety, hopping around gleefully as she collects them in her claws. When they finally reach the river, she cheers and throws the flowers into the air, watching the colorful petals swirl downstream in the gentle current.

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