Cold Hands, Warm Heart

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The next morning, Adder doesn't wake up

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The next morning, Adder doesn't wake up. He's still and cold, life only betrayed by a subdued rise and fall of his chest. 

It's incredibly nerve-wracking to see the gorgon like that, but some part of Eben is grateful his friend isn't here to see his meltdown.

In the privacy of his mind, Eben can admit that he'd always daydreamed about finding love during those lonely nights on the road, but the truth was he had never experienced it before now.

Being a bandit, true romance was never likely to bloom. If he got lucky, he'd gotten a one-night stand before the object of his affections left. If he was unlucky, well, then he'd wake in the night to that special someone trying to sneak off with his loot.

Even so, Eben had often pictured sweeping a beautiful woman off her feet, or meeting a roguish man who would steal his heart. But falling for someone like Adder, especially in such dire circumstances, was unexpected and unsettling.

"Would you relax? It's going to be fine."

Eben jumps at the sound of the feminine voice. Looking up from where he'd been death-gripping his mug of hot tea, he sees Daisy finishing up a few oranges.

"I am relaxed," he assures, returning his gaze to the cup.

Daisy huffs, unimpressed with the weak lie. "Are you stressed out because your nanny is leaving today, or do you really miss your serpent so much already?"

Eben glares at the nun. He chugs the last of the tea and slams the cup down, standing to turn toward the exit.

"You're so eager to be back with your horrid priest? Fine, let's go now," he snaps, causing Daisy to startle and scurry behind him as they exit the cave.

She raises an eyebrow, tilting her head as he hooks Fairy up to the cart. "You really do have a bee in your bonnet today, huh?"

The half-elf ignores her, mounting his horse and ushering the equine forward. The nun hops into the cart with a startled grunt, caught off guard by Eben's eagerness to leave.

Desperate to put his mind anywhere else but here, he focuses on the sights and sounds of the oncoming winter.

The recent snowfall has left a fine powder of white on everything, transforming the woods into a fresh pearly canvas. He relishes the serenity the forest brings, the quiet only interrupted by the rhythmic sound of Fairy's hooves crunching on the icy layer of snow.

Up ahead on the path, he spots two jackalopes bounding over the frosted earth. Both are missing an antler, seemingly already shedding their weapons to prepare for the cold. He watches them, amused as the feisty critters try and attack each other—white fluff flying into the air as they fiercely duel.

The fluffy winter coats on the animals make him shiver and tighten his scarf, wishing he had a coat of his own. The action reminds him of who gave him the item, sending Eben into another spiral of confusing emotions.

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