Winter's Eve

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He grits his teeth as snowflakes fly into his face, leaving stinging cold kisses on his skin

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He grits his teeth as snowflakes fly into his face, leaving stinging cold kisses on his skin. The half-elf trudges along in the snow, heaving the milk and eggs as he walks.

Eben's injuries have healed by now, but it seems the wounds he has inflicted on Adder with his cruel words remain. The gorgon has been avoiding him lately, shying away from conversation.

It reminds Eben of how they had treated each other during those tentative first few days; both were so certain that the other was aiming to hurt. Only, it seems that Adder's mistrust had been warranted. 

He sighs, setting the eggs and goat milk on the table with a displeased thud. Normally, he'd get all his frustration out by taking fairy for a run, but snow is coming down in rapid flurries now and he suspects it won't stop for some time.

After throwing a couple of logs on the fire, Eben looks over their pantry. They have a lot of preserved apples left over, so he decides to make a favorite comfort food of his; Mortfall pudding.

Eben's baking skills are... lacking, to put it kindly. But this pudding is boiled rather than baked, so he's confident it will turn out. The recipe is simple, a Mortfall classic his father had taught to him.

A small smile appears as he reminisces on the few fond memories of holidays spent with his father. He wonders how Nǣdre Tor celebrates Mortfall the way they had. Did they too partake in the tradition of staying up until midnight, jovially celebrating to keep the God of Death at bay?

And what of Adder during this time? Eben doubted anyone celebrated with him. The poor gorgon probably slept through the holiday each year, lonely and cold in his cave.

The redhead sighs, attempting to dismiss the morose feelings. Turning his thoughts to his current task, he sets out all the necessary ingredients before beginning.

He spoons out a measure of preserved apples, mixing it in with the dried currants, breadcrumbs, and other ingredients. Buttering a pudding mold, he delicately pours the mixture into the form before wrapping it in a cloth. While he's slowly dropping the pudding into the boiling water though, a sound behind him causes him to startle. He drops the pudding, hissing in pain when the water splashes on him.

"Are you okay?"

Eben turns around, still waving his hand in the air. Adder is at the entryway, looking concerned.

"I'm fine...Just a little water."

Adder nods, awkwardly lingering at the entrance.

Eben sighs, wiping his hands on his tunic. "Do you want to eat? Sit down, I'll bring you something."

Adder does as instructed, slithering over to the table silently.

The half-elf sets the kettle on the stove, preparing a bowl and cup. Into the cup, he adds some lavender buds, chamomile flowers, mint, and honey. A few moments later he sets the tea and a simple meal of dried meat and bread before the gorgon, taking a seat at the table.

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