Snake Charmer

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Eben awakens to the protestations of every inch of his being

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Eben awakens to the protestations of every inch of his being. He groans, hand raking over his face as he wills himself to rise. After cursing every God and Goddess for his accursed existence, the half-elf rises from his bedroll.

Eben sighs, exiting his little room and entering the main chamber of the cave. To his surprise, the space is now well-lit by torches, revealing a somewhat cozy living space. There's a short table on top of a large sheepskin rug, a large cooking spit over an extinguished fire pit, and even some pots and pans on top of a metal wood stove. He couldn't believe how homey the cave looked with just the introduction of some light.

As he approaches the crudely crafted oak table, he spots three bowls filled with a few leaves of aloe, some shredded willow bark, and some dried meat, respectively. The half-elf is bewildered—this isn't for him, is it? Has Adder really gathered these things for him after the way Eben had behaved yesterday?

The redhead uses the kettle on the stove to make some willow tea, eating his breakfast quickly as he applies the aloe vera to his ruddy cheeks and ears. He sighs with relief as he feels the herbs soothe his pains. Feeling energized, he exits the cave to start on his chores. The sun is already halfway through the sky, Eben notes. He'd need to work extra hard to get everything done...

However, as he approaches the coop, the sound of bells and a deep voice stops him in his tracks.


Eben freezes, squeezing his eyes shut. What would the gorgon say to him? There's a pause and a jingle of bells before the creature spoke—Eben imagines the gorgon tilting his head, causing the bells decorating his horns to sway.

"I apologize for yesterday," Adder rumbles, voice hesitant. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"I uh... it's okay."

There's an awkward pause as Eben waits for the monster to continue. Finally, after a few tense moments, Adder speaks again. "...Did you find what I left for you on the table?"

Eben nods. "Yes...thank you."

"Good. You are not required to do as much as you did yesterday. I only really need assistance when I am incapacitated."


"Except, maybe, with the chickens..."

"The chickens?"

"The roosters always attack me..."

Eben can't help but release a little bark of laughter before he quickly stifles it. Thankfully, either Adder doesn't notice or doesn't care.

The gorgon continues. "I've completed everything else for the day. After you feed the chickens you can rest." Adder pauses. "Ah, and...there's a stream to the north you can use to bathe."


There is another awkward pause before the gorgon spoke again. "Okay. Goodbye."

The redhead opens his eyes at the sounds of the bells retreating. Well, that was unexpected. He'd been prepared for confrontation, not this a show of remorse...and had the gorgon just implied he smelled?

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