Warmed Stone

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As Eben awakens cradled against the gorgon's chest, a surge of fond emotions overtakes his mind as he recalls the new developments in his love life

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

As Eben awakens cradled against the gorgon's chest, a surge of fond emotions overtakes his mind as he recalls the new developments in his love life.

It seemed amazing, impossible, wonderful—Eben was in love, in love with someone who returned his feelings. He hugs the gorgon tightly against his chest, feeling his heart pound wildly.

In spite of the warm feelings though, a cold spike of fear interrupts the moment as he remembers the rest of last night's events. Sheppard had not only condemned Daisy and Fern to death, but had declared that Adder would be the one to put them down.

The idea was horrific. Adder already seemed to detest killing, and now Sheppard wanted to make him petrify two innocent women? It would break the man...

The sinking feelings only grow more intense as Eben remembers the priest's command—

Keep Adder in line, make sure he does as he's told...

Rage boils in Eben's heart as the full implications of that demand come to light. Did that disgusting priest want him to convince Adder to kill for Sheppard's perverse plans?

Eben wouldn't do it. He couldn't do it...not to Adder, not ever. But that's not even the only issue to consider. He couldn't dance around the topic any longer—he had to confront Adder about his loyalty to Sheppard before it was too late.

The idea sets his stomach roiling uncomfortably. Every time the topic has been broached, the gorgon reacted poorly. What would he do if Eben forced him to choose?

The half-elf sighs, rising from the warm nest. At least he had some time before Adder would awaken again. That would give him time to prepare.

But when the gorgon next rises, Eben doesn't bring it up. Nor Does he the next time, or the time after that..

He hates himself for putting off this vital conversation, but he just can't bring himself to shatter the peace. He's only just earned Adder's heart, did he really have to risk losing the potentially last precious weeks with his lover?

So Eben postpones the conversation. Every time the gorgon awakens, the half-elf makes sure to soak in as much of his beloved monster as he can.

But soon, the first weak rays of spring begin warming the earth. Birds begin to flit about, wildly building their nests as the snow starts to slow. The world is awakening once more, eager to reintroduce Nǣdre Tor to life that had lay dormant all winter.

Eben is out of time.

Today, the half-elf is in the garden, surveying the slowly melting snow when Adder emerges from the cave.

The gorgon pulls Eben into a warm embrace, affectionately kissing his crown. "Good morning."

"It's nearly midday, you lazy lizard."

Adder stretches, giving a mighty yawn. "Lizard? I'm offended, you forest gnome."

Eben chuckles. "This gnome was about to have some bread and cheese. Would you like to join me? I found a sunny spot for you to bask in."

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