Vipers that Cannot be Charmed

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The room is dark, the only light source available being a singularly lit candle

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The room is dark, the only light source available being a singularly lit candle. The weak flickering of the flame bounces off the stained glass behind the priest, illuminating the lines and furrows on his gaunt face.

Eben slumps in the plush chair, wounds smarting as he attempts to adjust his position. He hadn't been given an opportunity to treat the slashes and cuts all over his body. The priest had commanded his guards to take Eben to his office immediately.

Being brought here again made him anxious, his heartbeat seeming to flutter in tandem with fat raindrops beginning to splatter against the window. What punishment could be awaiting him? Would Sheppard really object to Eben protecting Adder?

Still, being here was probably a good sign his punishment wouldn't be too severe. He can't say the same for Fern, who had been towed away as she screamed and sobbed, begging for forgiveness.

The half-elf jolts as a boom of thunder outside shakes the office, followed by a flash of lightning that eerily illuminates the priest's dead eyes in the dark.

Finally, Sheppard begins speaking, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Eben, can you explain what exactly has occurred, tonight?"

Eben clenches the armrests. "My... former companion came back to rob the town again, this time with reinforcements. Fern and I fought them off and prevented more carnage...can I ask why she was taken away in restraints?"

Sheppard leans forward on the desk, hands clenched. "What awaits sister Fern is no concern of yours. Your concern is the gorgon. Why wasn't he here tonight?"

Eben tenses, baring his teeth. "Because he got shredded by chimeras! He was in no condition to fight!"

Sheppard smirks. The look freezes Eben's heart with icy fear. "I'm quite surprised to hear such...concern in your tone, my child. Have you really come to care for our serpent that much? Even after you attempted to run away from him?"

Eben blanches, how did he know?

"No, I— I didn't mean—"

Sheppard interrupts, voice lowering to an almost inhuman rumble. "Make no mistake, half-breed, the magic that binds you to Adder also binds you to me. I will be able to tell if you tamper with it or attempt to escape."

The half-elf glares defiantly. "Don't worry. It won't happen again. It wasn't exactly pleasant to endure."

Sheppard laughs cruelly, the look of amusement on his weathered face illuminated by the sickly glow of lightning streaking through stained glass.

"Is it the curse keeping you here, or your growing affection for the gorgon?"

Eben can't help the flush that rises in his cheeks. "So what if we get along? Shouldn't you be glad his servant likes him?"

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